





n. mountain pass ,nick ,pass ,snick


notch[nɔtʃ]n. 刻痕,凹口;等級;峽谷vt. 贏得;用刻痕計算;在…上刻凹痕


NOTCH 扼位;記號圈;記號齒;缺口;SNIP NOTCH 剪扼位;剪扼蒞;top notch 大腕;拔尖兒;notch filter 檔位過濾器;濾波器;陷波器;加上制振控制參數;size notch 尺寸記號;


1.You must notch up a fine victory in the competition. 在這次比賽中你一定能大獲全勝。

2.A notch cut in a tree to direct its fall and insure a clean break. 砍伐切口砍在樹上的切口,用於指定''。'採伐量'。''並保證裂口整齊。

3.The slabs of standing stone point roughly toward the invisible notch . 這些矗立的石塊,大致指向那個看不見的缺口。


congenital notch of nasal tip - 先天性鼻尖切跡

n. notch ductility - 刻痕延性

n. fatigue notch factor - 切口應力集中係數

n. notch strength - 切口強度

n. notch sensitivity - 切口敏感性

n. notch depth - 切口深度

n. fatigue notch factor - 切口疲勞因數

n. fatigue notch sensitivity - 切口疲勞感受

n. fatigue notch sensitivity factor - 切口疲勞敏感係數

n. fatigue notch sensitivity - 切口疲勞靈敏度

n. fatigue notch sensitivity factor - 切口疲勞靈敏度係數

n. notch brittleness - 切口脆性

n. notch acuity - 切口銳度

tentorial notch incisura tentorii cerebelli - 小腦幕切跡

n. notch bar - 帶凹缺口小錠

n. notch bar - 帶缺口試棒

n. stress notch factor - 應力切口係數

n. deep notch test - 深槽口試驗

n. deep notch test - 深缺口試驗

incisura trochlearis ulnae; trochlear notch of ulna - 滑車切跡

incisura ligamenti teretis; notch of ligamentum teres - 肝圓韌帶切跡

fossa vesicae felleae; notch of gallbladder - 膽囊切跡

incisura pancreatis; notch of pancreas - 胰切跡


髖臼切跡 - acetabular notch

n.角切跡 - angular notch

耳前切跡 - anterior notch of ear

心切跡,賁門切跡 - cardiac notch

左肺心切跡 - cardiac notch of left lung

n.鎖骨切跡,鎖切跡 - clavicular notch

n.先天性鼻尖切跡 - congenital notch of nasal tip

肋骨切跡 - costal notch

顱面切痕 - craniofacial notch

n.降中峽,重搏脈 - dicrotic notch

n.篩切跡 - ethmoidal notch

腓骨切跡 - fibular notch

n.額切跡 - frontal notch

坐骨大切跡,坐骨小切跡 - greater sciatic notch

n.甲狀軟骨下切跡 - inferior thyroid notch

n.椎骨下切跡,椎下切跡 - inferior vertebral notch

杓狀軟骨間切跡 - interarytenoid notch

n.頸靜脈切跡 - jugular notch

n.淚切跡 - lacrimal notch

小坐骨切跡 - lesser sciatic notch

n.下頜切跡 - mandibular notch

n.乳突切跡 - mastoid notch

n.鼻切跡 - nasal notch

胰切跡 - pancreatic notch

頂切跡 - parietal notch

n.枕前邊跡 - preoccipital notch

n.翼切跡 - pterygoid notch

翼突上頜切跡,翼上顎裂 - pterygomaxillary notch

橈骨切跡 - radial notch

n.鋸痕 - saw notch

n.西布遜氏切跡 - sibsons notch

n.蝶顎切跡 - sphenopalatine notch

n.脾切跡 - splenic notch

n.岡盂切跡 - spinoglenoid notch

n.上橫骨 - sternal notch

n.甲狀軟骨上切跡 - superior thyroid notch

n.椎骨上切跡,椎上切跡 - superior vertebral notch

n.眶上切跡 - supraorbital notch

n.胸骨上切跡 - suprasternal notch

n.小腦幕切跡 - tentorial notch incisura tentorii cerebelli

滑車切跡 - trochlear notch

n.滑車切跡 - trochlear notch of ulna

n.鼓乳裂 - tympanic notch

n.尺切跡 - ulnar notch


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