





n. annotation ,billet ,federal reserve note ,musical notev. mark ,mention ,observe ,take down


v. ignore


Note[nəut]n. 筆記;音符;票據;註解;紙幣;便箋;照會;調子vt. 注意;記錄;註解


note 紙幣;照會;音符;注意;delivery note 交貨通知;付貨通知書;交貨單;交運通知送貨單;shipping note 托運單;裝貨通知單;裝運通知書;船貨清單;Booking Note 托運單(定艙委託書);訂艙單;托運單;訂載單;contract note 成交單據;買賣合同(證書);成交單;買賣契約[合同;


1.Note what he mentions following. 注意看他下面又要說什麼了。

2.If you see him, give him this note. 如果你看到他,就把這個便條給他。

3.Purchase and put what problem should note again? 購置和擺放又要注重哪些問題呢?


There's a note for you on the refrigerator. - 冰箱上有她留給你的字條。

No. He left a note on the door - 是的。他留了一張條子在門上

Do you know anyone who can forge a sick note for me? - 你知道誰可以幫我虛開一張病假條?

Please note that all our prices are quoted on CIF basis. This is our general practice, which we believe will be accepted by you. - 請注意我方所報的都是CIF 價,這是我方一貫作法,希望你方能接受。

During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. - 「先生,歡迎您光臨我們的城市。

This note is only a reminder. - 謹此提請注意。

together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!' - 「一個小偷,是的,但只是一個50%的小偷!」

The last note said: 'I am 100 per cent honest now!' - 「我現在是一個100%的誠實人了!」

Have you ever put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? - 你有沒有把褲子塞洗衣機,然後又想在褲子的後兜有一張大面值的紙幣?

When you rescued your trousers, did note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? - 當你把褲子搶救出來時,你有沒有發現那張紙幣已經變得比白紙還白?

There was a note of triumph in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. - 我帶著一種勝利者的調子告訴他那趟車白紙黑字。明明白白印在時刻表上。

the necessary method of study is to group the relevant material and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditions. - 應採取的研究方法是,把有關各方面的材料彙集起來,同時注意任何可能出現的異常情況和條件。

I'll send you a note about that. - 我會寄一張便條給你。

Did you note the damage on the bill of lading? - 你把損壞情形註明在提貨憑單上了沒?

You didn't note the damage on the bill of lading. - 你沒有在提貨單上註明損壞情況。

Right, I'll make a note of that. - 沒錯,我把它記下來。

OK, everyone. Less noise, please! Gather round and listen carefully. First we are going to search the beach and the rock pools. Let me remind you what we are looking for: seaweeds, fish, plants, all living things. When you find anything, make a note where - 00在這裡集合,游泳之後再吃午餐。別著急!我們有足夠的時間。

To examine your skills and abilities still further, ask yourself this question: in the following three areas - skills with people, skills with information or skills with things - which are your best skills? Note that it is not enough to say to yourself, - 在與人交往,獲取信息或處理事務這三個方面的技能中,你最擅長哪方面的技能?注意如果你對自己說"我喜歡和人們在一起工作",這是不夠的,因為這是人性中的一部分。因此,重要的是考查帶給你極大滿足感的人際關係。例如,你也許善於勸說、指導、採訪、聆聽、教導或傳遞信息。


n.異常叩診音 - abnormal percussion note

n.麻醉記錄單 - anesthesia note

n.比爾默氏征,比佛爾氏征 - biermers change of note

n.空盒音,空匣音 - box note

n.會診記錄 - consultation note

n.死亡記錄 - death note

n.出院記錄 - discharge note

n.過強反響性叩診音,強反響性叩音 - hyperresonant percussion note

n.聽診音 - percussion note

n.空性叩音 - resonant percussion note

技術備忘表 - technical note

n.轉科記錄 - transfer note

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