





playedv. 演奏;播放;玩耍;參加競賽(play的過去分詞)adj. 比賽的


played 看你賬號在線時間;開演;遊戲;掠奪者;Last Played 最後播放 -;上次播放日期;最後播放;最近播放;T Played 獨立搖滾;Played Chicken 和別人比試膽量;Getting Played 隨機人選;頑美追男仔;


1.Ken's mother won't let him go out and play. 肯的母親不讓他出去玩。

2.He played the tune from memory. 他憑記憶彈奏這支曲子。

3.He played a tune on the violin. 他用小提琴演奏了一首曲子。


Frank, you've never played charades? - Frank,你從來沒玩過啞謎?

If it hadn't rained so hard yesterday, we would have played tennis. - 如果昨天沒下那麼大的雨,我們就去打網球了。

He has the advantage of a new set of clubs and has played everyday. - 他擁有新的球桿,所以有利,何況他每天都在練習。

I played card this afternoon. - 我今天下午在打牌。

I played downstairs last night. - 我昨晚在樓下玩。

I played in the yard this afternoon. - 我今天下午在庭院玩。

I played magic yesterday. - 我昨天在玩魔術。

I played outside this morning. - 我今早在外面玩。

I played ping-pong this morning. - 我今早在打乒乓球。

I played upstairs yesterday. - 我昨天在樓上玩。

They played a shameful part in the whole affair. - 他們在這一事件中扮演了可恥的角色。

The river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives. - 形成我們農場東部邊界的一條河流一直在我們生活中發揮著重要作用。

Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. - 即使是僅僅參加過學校足球賽的人也有種體會。

John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behaviour of the individual,as against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, - 風俗在形成個人行為方面所起的作用和一個對風俗的任何影響相比,

She played basketball after school, and then walked home. - 放學後她打了籃球,然後步行回家。

Then we played some games. - 接著我們做遊戲。

But your team is even stronger. I knew you would beat them because you had played so well in the league. - 可是你們的隊更強。我知道你們會打敗他們的,因為你們在聯賽中戰績很好。

We also played games on the sand. - 我們還在沙灘上做遊戲呢。

You played beautifully. - 你彈得太美了。

For twenty years Gandhi played an important role in working for equal rights for Indians. - 二十多年間,甘地在為印度人民爭取平等權利的奮頭中發揮了很重要的作用。

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