





schedule of construction schedule of operations work-schedule 施工進度表;schedule of construction schedule of operations work-schedule 施工進度表;schedule of construction schedule of operations work-schedule 施工進度表;detailed construction schedule construction schedule 施工進度計劃;Liaise with suppliers to ensure that all projects are running on schedule and quality standards are being adhered to 與供應商保持聯繫,保證所有項目都按對應的生產計劃和質量標準進行。;


1.As the characteristic, transaction schedule is divided into interior schedule and exterior schedule, which increases the systems success ratio. 由於受功能替代性的影響,事務調度分為內部調度和外部調度,提高了系統的成功率。

2.To modify the replication schedule for all connections, click Schedule. 要為所有連接修改複製時間,請單擊「計劃」。

3.To modify the replication schedule for all connections, click Schedule. 要為所有連接修改複製時間,請單擊「計劃」。

4.To modify the replication schedule for all connections, click Schedule. 要為所有連接修改複製時間,請單擊「計劃」。

5.As school doors open across the country, teenagers should be sure to adjust their summer sleep schedule to their new school schedule, experts advise. 專家建議,全國各個學校開學後,青少年務必調整他們的夏季睡眠時間表,以適應新的學校時間表。


Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight? - 可以,不過李醫生今天的時間排滿了。今晚9點好嗎?

I try to keep a regular schedule every day. - 我每天努力遵守有規律的安排。

Now, what else is on the schedule today? - 那麼, 今天的工作表上還有些什麼?

What's on my schedule for today? - 我今天有什麼日程安排?

What's the schedule today? - 今天的工作是怎麼安排的?

But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. - 務必安排在明天舉行另一次生產會議。

to schedule one hour a week--to start with. - 安排一星期一個小時。

This is the schedule for tomorrow. - 這是明天的日程安排。

What is on the schedule this morning? - 今天上午有什麼安排?

We've arranged our schedule without any trouble. - 我們已經很順利地把活動日程安排好了。

I've arranged my class schedule so I'll have my afternoons free. - 我調整了我的課程表,以便下午騰出空來。

My schedule is very flexible, and I am given a lot of freedom. - 我的工作表很有變通性,使我十分自由。

We've arranged our schedule without any trouble. - 我們已經很順利地把活動日程安排好了。


schedule for affective disorders scale - 情感障阻評分表

sequential control; time schedule control - 時序控制

n. minimum pass schedule control - 最小通道安排控制

n. minimum pass schedule control - 最小道次程序控制

n. schedule free rolling - 程序自由輥軋

questionnaire; schedule of survey - 調查表


給藥劑量方案 - drug dosage schedule

n.免疫接種程序表 - immunization schedule

n.實驗進度表 - laboratory schedule

n.精神狀態一覽表 - mental status schedule

n.記錄控制一覽表 - record control schedule

治療安排期 - stage treatment schedule

n.時序控制 - time schedule control

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