





soundsn. 音效,聲音(sound的複數)v. 發出聲響(sound的第三人稱單數形式)


Sounds 聲音;聲音片段;管理;聽起來;voiced sounds 濁音;The sounds 寂靜之音;寂靜之音 下載;寂靜之音(仙境的新世紀名曲);寂靜之音 下載;LORELEIRHINE SOUNDS 萊茵河上羅蕾萊的聲音;exponential sounds 指數語音;冪數語音〔指重音,音高等;


1.It sounds so good, I want it! 它聽起來如此之好,我想要它!

2.The answer sounds right. 答案聽起來正確。

3.She sounds just the person we need for the job. 聽起來他正是我們需要做這件工作的人。


That sounds very nice. When will it be? - 聽起來真不錯,什麼時候呢?

Oh. Your offer sounds interesting. - 哦,您所給的優惠聽起來蠻吸引人的。

That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour? - 那聽起來好極了。我到哪裡去報名參加呢?

That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call you back to make reservations. - 聽起來價錢還算公道。讓我考慮一下,我會再打電話預定。

That sounds pretty good. - 聽起來挺好的嘛!

Sometimes it sounds a little stubbon. - 有時候,這顯得有點固執。

That sounds really attractive. - 聽起來很有吸引力。

That sounds a good idea. Thank you. - 好主意!謝謝你。

Please. That sounds good. - 聽起來不錯,請給我弄一杯。

That sounds good. Let's soak up a little vitamin D. - 聽起來不錯,讓我們攝入一點維生素D吧。

That sounds exciting. - 聽起來怪熱鬧的。

Hey, go to the doctor. That cough sounds bad. - 嘿,去看看醫生吧,聽起來你咳嗽得挺厲害的。

The first word sounds like no. - 第一個字音像 no 。

That sounds fine. - 這樣聽起來蠻好的。

It sounds like fun to me, too, Robbie. - 對我來說也像是蠻好玩的, Robbie。

Well, it sounds to me like Carter Boswell - 噢 ,聽起來好像Carter Boswell

It all sounds so easy. - 一切聽起來竟是如此簡單。

She sounds upset. - 她聽起來有點不對勁。

Listen to the sounds of the summer that surround us. - 仔細傾聽環繞我們的夏夜聲息。

The soothing sounds of the country. - 安詳的鄉村音響。

Well, that sounds very exciting, - 嗯 聽起來很令人興奮。

That sounds like a good idea. - 似乎是個好主意。

That sounds reasonable. - 好像有道理。

He sounds just like the person we need for the job. - 聽起來他正是我們所需要的人,適合在這裡做事。

His excuse sounds unconvincing. - 他說的理由好像不可難。

Your idea sounds like a good one. - 你的想法聽起來很不錯。

For Chopsticks In Chinese is pronounced KuaiZi, which sounds like soon to get a son. - 因為筷子在漢語中讀作「Kuaizi」,聽起來很像「快得兒子」。

If it sounds like an interesting place to visit, that's because it is. - 如果它聽起來像是個有趣的地方,那是因為它的確是這樣。

It sounds like a reasonable solution. - 這個解決辦法還比較合理。

That sounds like the product we had in mind. - 那種產品好像就是我們所想要的。

That sounds good. Let's get something at the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired. - 那太棒了,我們就到旅館餐廳吃點東西,我有點累了。

That sounds OK. I'll need it from the 10th to the 14th. - 聽上去挺不錯。從10號到14號我需要租一輛。

The fowler's pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught. - 捕禽人笛聲悠揚,直吹得鳥兒落網。

That sounds like a good idea. - 那聽上去是個好主意。

It sounds great!. - 聽起來很不錯。

Not all sounds made by animals serve as language. - 動物發出的聲音不都是用作語言交際。

That sounds a silly suggestion, - 這聽起來似乎是一種愚蠢的想法,

That sounds like the product we had in mind. - 那種產品好像就是我們所想要的。

It sounds like you enjoyed it. - 聽起來你好像蠻喜歡的。

That sounds interesting. That was a hundred years ago, wasn't it? - 聽起來很有意思。那是一百年前的事了,不是嗎?

That sounds a great idea. Good luck with your trip! - 聽起來真是個好主意。祝你一路順風。

That sounds strange. - 這聽起來很奇怪。

That sounds very interesting. How long will it take you to collect enough money? - 聽起來倒是挺有趣的。你要花多長時間才能籌集到足夠的資金呢?

That sounds very interesting! I'll buy some frozen peas at the supermarket on my way home. - 聽起來很有趣!我回家時在超級市場買些凍豌豆。

That sounds like a good idea. I have a few friends I could ring to see if they're free. - 聽起來是個好主意。我可以打電話給我的幾個朋友看看他們是否有空。

Through my hands and fingers, I heard the sounds that one hears on a farm, the noises made by cows, horses, chickens and pigs. - 通過手和手指,我聽到了人們通常在農場所聽到的聲音--即牛、馬、雞、豬等叫出的聲音。

I am sorry that you have a disagreement with your father. Personally, I think it is important to follow your interests and your abilities, and it sounds as though you have plenty of both of these already. - 我感到遺憾,你和你父親意見不一致。就我自己而言,我認為重要的是從你的興趣和能力出發,聽起來好像你已具備了這兩點。


n.心房心音 - auricular heart sounds

n.心音聽診 - auscultation of heart sounds

n.支氣管呼吸音,支氣管性呼吸音 - bronchial breath sounds

n.支氣管肺泡呼吸音 - bronchovesicular breath sounds

n.胎兒心音 - fetal heart sounds

n.心音 - heart sounds

n.心音強度 - intensity of heart sounds

n.心音響度 - loudness of heart sounds

n.混合性呼吸音 - mixed breath sounds

n.病理性呼吸音 - pathologic breath sounds

n.生理性音 - physiological sounds

n.心音分裂 - splitting of heart sounds

n.肺泡音 - vesicular breath sounds

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