n. bundle ,mail boat ,mailboat ,package
packet['pækit]n. 數據包,信息包;小包,小捆vt. 包裝,打包
packet 小包;包;數據包;報文分組;packet filter 分組過濾器;包過濾;封包過濾器;封包過濾;Packet Switch 數據包交換機;分組交換;封包交換;小 包 交 接;wave packet 波包;波群;波束;射頻脈衝;packet mode 包方式;封包傳輸模式;分封模式;
1.A particularly simple network packet capture, sniffer tools can only capture can not be amended to send. 一個特別簡單的網絡數據包捕獲,嗅探工具,只能捕獲不能修改發送。
2.In computer networks, a packet switched system at the University of Hawaii which uses radio broadcast techniques. 美國夏威夷大學開發的一種使用無線電廣播技術的分組交換計算機網。
3.If the packet decrypts properly and yields the correct server response message, my client program knows that the server that encrypted the packet is the real server. 如果包被正確的解開得到了正確的服務器響應信息,客戶端程序就知道了加密包的這個服務器是真的服務器。
Parents usually put a small red paper packet under their child's pillow. - 父母常常會在孩子枕頭下放一個小紅包。
Inside the packet is some money. - 小紅包裡裝著些錢。
They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. - 每當我從口袋裡掏出一包糖果時,他們都毫不掩飾地表現出他們對此感到非常好笑。
It's quite simple. You put a very hot, wet cloth on your shoulder for one minute. Then put a packet of frozen peas on the shoulder for one minute. And so on and so on. - 很簡單。你把一塊很熱的濕布敷在肩膀上一分鐘。然後把一包凍豌豆敷在肩膀上一分鐘。這樣反覆幾次。