





n. bagful ,base ,grip ,handbagv. bulge ,pocket


bag[[bæɡ]]n. 袋;獵獲物;(俚)一瓶啤酒vt. 獵獲;把…裝入袋中;[口]佔據,私吞;使膨大vi. 松垂


bag 壘墊, 壘包;袋子;包;書包;Pig bag 豬肚;豬肚?;hand bag 手袋;手提袋;鼠尾草色手提袋;公文包/手提包;Ice Bag 冰袋;冰囊;冰包;冰袋(用以置於身體腫痛部分以消腫或減痛);Poly Bag 塑料袋;塑料袋:;塑膠袋;膠袋包裝;


1.A stiff breeze made the sails bag out. 一股勁風吹得船帆鼓了出來。

2.My bag is not black but red. 我的書包不是黑的而是紅的。

3.She has a bag. The bag is black. 她有一個書包。這個書包是黑色的。


Do we have to bag our own groceries? - 我必須自己裝我們買的商品嗎?

Your boyfriend is a bag of bones. - 你的男朋友瘦得皮包骨頭。

I left my bag of film on the ferry. - 我把裝底片的旅行袋遺放在渡船上了。

Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon,a small canvas bag,on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?…No? - 請問今天下午有人撿到一個照像機旅行袋嗎?一個小的粗帆布袋,是在J. F. Kennedy號渡船上丟的。……沒有嗎

I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. - 我一直在想著旅行袋的事。一共有八卷呢。

Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. - 你哥哥將他的旅行袋遺放在渡船上了。

I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it. - 我很高興你發現了旅行袋而且不怕麻煩花時間將它送來。

Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday,so we can really thank you for bringing Richard's bag back. - 既然如此 或許哪個星期天你能來吃中飯讓我們好好地感謝你送回Richard的旅行袋。

Where's the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches? - 放雞肉沙拉三明治的袋子在哪?

The man grabbed my bag and ran away. - 那男人搶了我的皮包就跑了。

I'll get this bag for you. - 我來替你拿這個包吧。

Heh, heh, my bag is large but light. - 哈,哈,我的袋子雖然大,但是輕啊。

An empty bag cannot stand upright. - 空袋不能直立。

Is that bag heavy, Penny? - 那個提包重嗎,彭妮?

In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. - 一會兒工夫他拿著我的提包回來了,把它還給了我。

One of them was carrying a bag full of money. - 其中一個提著一隻裝滿鈔票的提包。

In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees. - 在爭搶中,手提包的帶斷了,包落入這兩個人手裡,他們拔腿跑進了樹林。

The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. - 這兩個人嚇了一跳,扔下提包逃跑了。

I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours. - 我把紙袋放在門廳裡,與羅伯特一起進了起居室,在那裡聊了好幾個鐘頭。

they had escaped from the paper bag and had taken complete possession of the hall! - 它們從紙袋裡逃了出來,爬得滿廳都是!

Dad, this bag is too big. We can't carry it. - 爸爸,這個包太重了,我搬不動。

Maybe she'd like a new handbag. Her bag doesn't look nice. - 她可能想要一個新的手提包。她的提包看起來不夠漂亮。

The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motorbike. - 孩子們跑去搬那包大米,這時他們聽到摩托車的聲音。

He did not see the bag until it was too late. - 等他看見袋子時已經太晚了。

His bike hit the bag of rice and he fell off. - 他的車撞到大米上,他摔了下來。

Li Lei, go and find a teacher. I'll go and move away the bag of rice with Lin Tao. - 「李壘,你去找老師。我和林濤去搬走那袋大米」。

After they moved the bag away, the girls let the traffic go again. - 他們搬走那袋米之後,女孩們解除了交通管制。

Yes, I have. I found it in my bag five minutes ago. - 是的,找到了。五分鐘以前在我的書包裡找到的。

She was taking the things out of the basket when she dropped a bag of sweets. - 她把東西從籃子裡拿出來,這時,一袋糖從她手裡掉地了。

The bag fell on the floor and broke open. - 糖落在地板上,袋子裂開了。

Just a minute. She's taken the bag that usually sits on top of the cupboard. - 等等。她帶走了通常放在壁櫥頂上的包。

But I advise you to check your bag every evening before going home. - 但是,我勸你每晚回家前檢查下自己的包。


bag catheter - 帶囊導尿管

n. dry bag method - 干袋法

n. dry bag method - 無油隔艙法

nuclear bag fiber - 核袋纖維

proportional bag sampling - 比例取樣法

n. wet bag process - 濕袋室除塵法

bag filter; bagfilter - 袋濾器

bag filter; bagfilter - 透析袋

a bag of bones; as thin as a a lath; as thin as a lath - 骨瘦如柴


n.骨瘦如柴 - a bag of bones

n.氣袋 - air bag

呼氣袋 - breathing bag

n.熱水袋 - hot water bag

n.冰袋 - ice bag

n.水囊引產 - induction of labor with wate4r bag

n.醫用包 - medical bag

核袋,核囊 - nuclear bag

n.核袋纖維 - nuclear bag fiber

n.保健箱 - nurse and health keepers visiting bag

n.彼德曼氏試驗 - peterses bag

n.出診包 - physician bag

n.波立澤爾氏咽鼓管吹氣袋 - politzers bag

n.比例取樣法 - proportional bag sampling

n.吸入氣囊 - rebreathing bag

儲氣袋 - reservoir bag

呼吸袋 - respiratory bag

羊膜破裂 - rupture of bag

n.沙袋 - sand bag

n.小便袋 - urine bag

水袋,硫化寶 - water bag


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