strivenv. 努力(strive的過去分詞)
striven 奮鬥;爭取;鬥爭;努力的;strive strove striven 努力、奮鬥、鬥爭;I would ne'er have striven 我就不會像現在這樣;
1.Ernest Hemingway is another American writer who has striven, at some cost, to preserve the truth of direct experience. 海明威是另外一個千辛萬苦竭力想忠實地描寫親身經驗的美國作家。
2.Soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Alled Expeditionary Force, you are about to embark upon the great crusade towards which we have striven these many months. 各位聯合遠征軍的海陸空戰士們,你們馬上就要踏上征程去進行一場偉大的聖戰,為此我們已精心準備了數月。
3.It has, though the decades, striven for technical excellence, established a firm infrastructure and charted for itself a pattern of growth consistent with national aspirations. 然而,經歷這幾十年,它依然努力追求技術進步,建立企業基層組織,為自身的發展構建具有民族特色的增長模式。