strobingn. [計]選通v. 發出選通脈衝(strobe的ing形式)
Strobing 頻閃 像 相機 快照那樣;像相機快照一樣;閃控;選通;strobing gate 選通門;strobing pulse 選通脈衝;strobing circuit 閃控電路;strobing pulse generator 選通脈衝發生器;選通脈衝產生器;
1.Maybe you have a problem with things strobing all the time in quick moves. 也許你對物體快速移動時總是在閃而苦惱。
2.A very small percentage of people suffer from photosensitive epilepsy—approximately . 00025% of the population—and may experience seizures or blackouts triggered by strobing lights. 一個非常小的人患有光敏性癲癇的比例,約0。00025人口和可能遇到的發作或閃爍燈光引發停電%。
3.A phenomenon related to strobing, and frequently referred to by the same term , is often noticed when the wheels of a moving vehicle on the screen seem to be stopped or to be traveling in reverse. 一個根選通有關的現象,常常提到的,就是注意到汽車的輪子在汽車移動時看起來轉的是反方向的或是不動的。