Gore accuses Bush of undermining freedoms 前副總統戈爾指責布什損毀美國人的自由;Gore accuses Bush of undermining freedoms 前副總統戈爾指責布什損毀美國人的自由;President Bush Announces Formation of Independent Commission 布什總統組成關於情報工作能力的獨立調查委員會;President Bush Applauds Congress for Passing Historic Medicare Bill 布什總統讚賞國會通過了歷史性的醫療保險法案;President Bush Applauds Congress for Energy Bill Passage 布什喜贊國會通過能源法案;
1.Bush's victory of the presidential election was quite dramatic. In the election in 2000, Bush almost lost the game in the intraparty election to Mc Cain, and then struggled with Gore, and won faintly. 布什的總統位子來得頗有戲劇色彩,2000年大選,布什先是在黨內預選中幾乎輸給麥凱恩,後來又和戈爾苦戰一場,最終以微弱優勢獲勝。
2.There are two types of blueberry plants: high bush, which can be domestically cultivated, and low bush or wild blueberries. 藍莓植物有兩種類型:高灌木型、低灌木型以及野生藍莓,其中高灌木型的可以在國內種植。
3.Even the media says we're in a recession. Anyone who says we're not is as dumb as Bush… if not dumber than Bush. 連媒體都說我們處於蕭條時期,任何說「我們不是處於蕭條期」的人至少跟布什一樣呆,如果他不是比布什更呆的話。
4.He'd even defend George W Bush, he always adds –so long as Bush pled guilty. 他也總會加上一句:他甚至會為布什辯護——只要布什認罪的話。
5.Bush spoke during a news conference with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. The stop in South Korea is part of Bush's weeklong Asian tour. 布什是與南韓總統李明博聯合召開的新聞發佈會說這番話的,南韓之行是布什為期一周的亞洲之旅的一部分。
Stop beating around the bush and tell me who won. - 不要東拉西扯了,告訴我誰贏了。
He that fears every bush must never go a-birding. - 疑神疑鬼,絕無收穫。
That's OK. But you mustn't smoke while you're walking around in the bush either. You could start a bush fire. - 沒關係。但是在叢林裡走動時你也千萬不要抽煙,會引起火災的。
burrerfly bush flower; butterflybush flower; flos buddlejae - 密蒙花
n.密蒙花 - burrerfly bush flower