n. horatio alger
algern. 阿爾及爾(阿爾及利亞首都,等於Algiers);阿爾傑(姓氏)
ALGER 阿爾及爾;英國 光榮高貴護衛;阿爾傑;阿爾及利亞;Alger metal 阿爾加錫銻系軸承合金;相若);阿爾格錫銻合金;USM Alger USM阿爾及爾;Mark Alger 投資者馬克·阿爾格;Horatio Alger 阿爾傑;愛爾傑;艾爾傑;哈羅修·阿爾吉;
1.The project of CNO &HMSO is a turn-key project constructed by CCSEB in Alger, Algeira with the total occupation of 1
2. 5 H area. 軍官-士官俱樂部是中建二局三公司在阿爾及利亞承接的交鑰匙工程,它位於阿爾及利亞,阿爾及爾。場區佔地面積12。5公頃。
2.Head of the Algerian Red Crescent Society met with the Iranian Ambassador to Algeria to discuss cooperation on a new Red Crescent clinic in Algiers Alger. 阿爾及利亞紅新月會會長會見伊朗駐阿爾及利亞大使,討論在首都阿爾及爾合作建立紅新月診所。
3.'There may be a bubble, but it's not like the 1990s, where these companies have no earnings, ' says Zachary Karabell, co-manager of Alger China-U. S. Growth Fund. Alger中美增長基金的聯席經理扎切裡