





a. excited


activated['æktiveitid]adj. 活性化的;活潑的v. 使激活;使活動起來;有生氣(activate的過去分詞)


activated 激化了的;有活性的;激活的;活性的;activated carbon 活性炭;活性碳;活性煤;活性炭[能吸附揮發物的多孔性炭;activated molecule 活化分子;激活分子;賦能分子;activated atom 活化原子;激活原子;激活原子,活化原子,活性原子;激發原子,活化原子;activated absorption 活性吸著;活性吸附;


1.An activated or triggered ability on the stack. This kind of ability is an object. 在堆疊上的一個啟動式或者觸發式異能。這類異能是一個對象。

2.Advice: You may discover that if you allow your heart and your right brain to lead you, the left will then be activated appropriately to support you. 忠告:你可能發現,如果你允許你的心和你的右腦帶領你做任何事,左腦將對適當地被啟動及刺激加以支持你。

3.My download privileges were just activated! Can I start enjoying them right away? Would downloads I queued before the activation be automatically moved ahead? 我的下載特權已經被激活!我能馬上就開始享受嗎?我的在激活前的下載隊列能自動的移動到前方嗎?


activated center; active center; activecenter - 活化中心

activated molecule - 活化分子

n. activated reactive evaporation - 活化反應汽化

activated adsorption - 活化吸附

activated form - 活化型

activated group - 活化基團

activated complex - 活化復合體

activated macrophage - 活化巨噬細胞

activated state - 活化態

activated amino acid - 活化氨基酸

activated sewage - 活化污水

activated sludge - 活化污泥

activated sludge method; activated sludge process - 活化污泥法

activated silica gel - 活化硅膠

activated complex - 活化絡合物

activated carrier - 活化載體

activated partial thromboplastin time - 活化部分凝血活酶時間

n. activated complex - 活性合成物

n. activated adsorption - 活性吸收

activated adsorption - 活性吸附

activated macrophage - 活性巨噬細胞

activated hydrogen - 活性氫

activated alumina - 活性氧化鋁

activated sludge - 活性污泥

activated sludge digestion - 活性污泥消化

activated carbon; activated charcoal; avtive coal; carbo activatus - 活性炭

activated charcoal pneumonoconiosis - 活性炭塵肺

activated clay; activatedclay - 活性白土

activated charcoal - 活性碳

activated clay; activatedclay - 活性粘土

activated complex - 活性絡合物

activated vitamin d - 活性維生素D

activated pancreatic enzyme - 活性胰酶

fluorescence activated cell sorter - 激發螢光細胞分離器

activated atom - 激活原子

activated liquid thromboplastin - 激活的凝血致活酶

activated adenyl cyclase - 激活腺甘環化酶

n. thermally activated process - 熱活化法

thermally activated polarization - 熱激活極化

enzymic activated irreversible inhibitor; enzymic-activated irreversible inhibitor; mechanism-based irreversible inhibitor; suiide substrate - 自殺底物

fluoroscene activated cell sorter; fluorosceneactivatedcellsorter - 螢光激活細胞分離器

fluoroscene activated cell sorter; fluorosceneactivatedcellsorter - 螢光激活細胞分類儀


n.自殺底物 - enzymic activated irreversible inhibitor

n.激發螢光細胞分離器 - fluorescence activated cell sorter

n.螢光激活細胞分類儀,螢光激活細胞分離器 - fluoroscene activated cell sorter

免疫激活細胞 - immunologically activated cell

高嶺土激活部分凝血酶原激酶時間 - kaolin activated partial thromboplastin time

激活殺菌細胞性淋巴激活素 - lymphokine activated killer cell

移植性和內生性疼痛機理活化性物質 - mechanism of pain transmission and endogenous activated substances

激化腦波性美解眠成熟分裂的 - megimide activated brain wave

n.熱激活極化 - thermally activated polarization

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