cobbn. 科布(姓氏);酷伯傳奇(電影名)
Cobb 科布;酷伯傳奇;Ty Cobb 泰·柯布;George Cobb 喬治-科布;Cobb salad 科布色拉;海鷗沙拉;Henry Cobb 亨利·考伯;
1.I follow his recommendation and opt for a Cobb salad, in this case a chicken and Roquefort mixture. 我則聽從他的建議,選了一款科布沙拉,這是一款混合了雞肉和羊乳乾酪的菜品。
2.John Cobb, the opposition water security spokesman in Parliament, said turning the Bourke-region property into a park was a bad idea. 國會反對黨水資源安全發言人科布表示,把該筆位於柏克地區的土地變成一個公園是壞主意。
3.An FDI-induced endogenous technological progress model is constructed by making slight changes to the Cobb-Douglas production function in the context of the endogenous growth theory. 通過在新增長理論框架內對柯布-道格拉斯生產函數略作修改,本文構造了一個FDI內生技術進步模型。