gangsterism['ɡæŋstərizəm]n. 強盜行為;(總稱)歹徒;犯罪
gangsterism 犯罪;gangsterism on wood 傑森摩;gangsterism on a river 傑森摩倫;gangsterism on a lunchtable 傑森摩;gangsterism on the set 傑森摩倫;
1.Indeed, far from reducing crime, prohibition has foster ed gangsterism on a scale that the world has never seen before. 真的,禁令遠遠沒有減少犯罪,而是從世界前所未見的規模上滋生了犯罪行為。
2.Today the yellow arches of McDonald's shed their plastic gleam on Red Square, and gangsterism tules instead of socialist virtue. 如今紅場上流瀉著麥當勞黃色的拱形標誌所散發出的虛幻光芒,統領一切的不再是社會主義美德,而是逞兇鬥狠的幫派行徑。
3.Mr Putin's use of energy as a weapon is only one instance of a Russian assertiveness that nowadays seems to border on gangsterism. 普京總統將能源作為武器,只不過表明了當今俄羅斯近似於匪性的獨斷專行。