stratabound 層控的;
1.The deposit located in Yanshan county of southeast Yunnan Province. It is part of early Devonian stratabound ore zone. 蘆柴沖礦床位於滇東南硯山縣境內,屬南嶺地區西南端———滇東南早泥盆世的層控礦帶。
2.Huashugou copper deposit is believed to be a middle-low temperature hydrothermal reworked stratabound deposit relating to volcanic action. 認為該礦床為與火山作用有關的中—低溫熱液改造層控礦床。
3.Two examples are chosen in the paper to show the different characteristics of geochemical field in the stratabound deposits and the lithogenetic deposits. 本文所引的兩個實例分別表現了層控礦床和巖控礦床地球化學場的不同特點,獲得了地球化學異常圖上沒有的信息。