





beded[bed]abbr.Bachelor Education教育學士n. 床床架,床凳(= bedstead)床鋪;床位(人、畜等的)睡眠處,臥躺處,憩息處,休息場所床墊;被褥睡覺,睡眠;就宿就寢時間,上床時間(= bedtime)[單數複數同] [主用於廣告]臥室夫妻交歡處,發生性關係或生育的地方夫妻關係,婚姻[口語]性交,房事(床鋪似的)一層栽培植物的小塊土地(花)壇;(菜)圃;(苗床)圃(或苗床、花壇)裡植物(河)床;(湖)底;(海)底;(大量生長某種生物的)海底海底養殖場底層,基礎(機器、機械的)底盤,底座【印刷】 (印刷機的)平台,床台,印版台(繪飾大理石紋書邊時打底基用的)黃膠溶液【鐵路】(鐵軌和軌枕下的)路基,路床,底座【建築學】(固定磚、石塊、瓦片的)一層水泥(或灰漿),水泥層,灰漿層(所固定的磚、石板、瓷磚或瓦片的)底層,底面【地質學】 (地)層,底;(尤指沉積岩的)一層礦床【體育】 (彈子台的)檯面(保齡球的)球道(菜)底【化學】(用作催化劑的)緻密物質墳墓【傢俱】(桌面邊的)橫檔(= skirt)(擠在一起的小動物的)一窩vt. 為…提供住宿處(或床鋪);給(牲口)鋪草作睡處;使(人或牲口)安睡,(安頓)過夜,(安排)睡覺(down): 例句:The host bedded his guests.房東為客人提供床鋪。I bedded the traveller for a night.我為這位旅客提供一夜住宿。Our horse was bedded down in the barn by the stable boy.我們的馬被小馬伕安頓好在馬廄裡了。[口語]誘使(女子)與其發生性關係,與…性交;與…同居: 例句:He bedded that nice girl last night.他昨晚與那位可愛的女孩睡覺。固定在…上,把…安裝在…基礎上,嵌入,埋置: 例句:The builder bedded the flagstones in concrete.建築工人用水泥砌牢石板。The big guns were bedded in the ground.這些大炮被安裝固定在地面上。【園藝學】把…栽種入(或植入)花壇(或苗床、圃裡)(out): 例句:The young plants were bedded out in the border.這些幼苗被移植到(路邊的)狹長花壇裡。堆(土)使成花壇(或苗床)(up): 例句:We bedded up the dirt for raising flowers.我們堆土成花壇以養花。把…放入養殖場,把…放至海底(或河底、湖底)繁殖: 例句:They bedded oysters.他們把牡蠣放入海底養殖場養殖。把…分層疊置;把…平放如床;把…弄成層: 例句:The builders bedded the flagstones.建築工人把石板分層疊置。The worker bedded metal plates together.工人把幾塊金屬板平放在一起。【地質學】使分層vi. 上床,睡(覺),臥,就寢,休息;找到就寢處(down): 例句:I'll bed down on the sofa.我將睡在沙發上。The host says I can bed here for the night.旅館老闆說我可在這兒過夜。住宿: 例句:The travellers wanted to bed in the best hotels.旅遊者想住最好的旅館。性交(with): 例句:He bedded with that girl you used to share a flat with.他和同你合住一個單元的那個女孩發生了性關係。(金屬構件)被平放;形成平面: 例句:The rivets bed against the flat plate.鉚釘與平板貼合。形成堅實的一層(down): 例句:Litter in the barn has bedded down.鋪在馬廄裡的草已粘結成層。【地質學】分層短語: a bed of down (或 roses,flowers) 稱心如意的境遇(或地位、生活、工作);安樂的生活;安樂窩[常用於否定句]a bed of nails [英國英語]極其艱難的境況,極端困難的處境,極不如意的地位(= a bed of thorns)[1965~1970]a bed of roses [口語]稱心如意的境遇(或地位、生活、工作);安樂窩,適意的處境;舒適的生活;舒適豪華的環境;工作輕鬆而一切令人滿意的職位[見 a bed of down][1800~1810]a bed of sickness 病榻a bed of thorns [口語、比喻]極其艱難的境況,環境惡劣;(處於)憂悶恐怖的環境;如坐針氈As you make your bed,so you must lie on it. [諺語]自作自受。(或:自食其果。)be brought to bed (of) [古語]臨產,臨盆,分娩,生,生產(to)be confined to one's bed 臥床不起,病倒在床上bed it 臥病在床bed of dust 墳墓bed of justice (法國國會的)國王的寶座;國王親臨的國會bed of state龍床,御座(大人物的)靈床(以便弔祭瞻仰遺容)[亦作 state bed]bed of ware 能睡12人的大床 die in (one's)bed 老死,壽終正寢[見 dieEarly to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. [諺語]睡得早,起得早,富裕、聰明、身體好。get into bed with = jump into bed withget out of bed on the wrong side [口語](從早晨起床起)整日心情不好,醒來就鬧脾氣[亦作 get up on the wrong side of the bed]go to bed上床,就寢[口語]同…發生性關係(with)(報刊等)付印;(撰稿後)委託給出版社[俚語]不要吵,住嘴go to bed in one's boots [俚語]泥醉上床,酩酊大醉go to bed with one's boots on [俚語][通常用於否定句](男子)性交時故意不用避孕工具go to bed with the chickens 晚上早睡覺go to bed with the lamb,and rise with the lark 早睡早起in bed在被窩裡,(躺)在床上在交媾jump into bed with (尤把和不太可能結盟的人)結成(暫時性的)同盟,不加疑問地接受別人的主張或加盟於別人的團體keep (to)one's bed 或keep the bed 臥病在床leave one's bed 病癒起床lie (或sleep) in (或 on)the bed one has made 自作自受,自食其果lie on a bed of thorns 坐立不安,如坐針氈make fit the Procrustean bed 見 Procrusteanmake one's (own) bed and lie on(或in) it 自作自受,自食其果make the (或a) bed (睡前或起床後)整理床鋪,鋪床疊被place on the Procrustean bed 見 Procrustean bedput to bed安頓(孩子、病人等)上床去睡;把(牲口)安頓好讓其睡覺[美國英語]【印刷】把(鉛字、印版等)組版裝在印刷機上【印刷】把(報刊等)付印;(撰稿後)委託給出版社,使編輯好出版;工作到最後一分鐘坐褥(臨產)put to bed with a shovel (或 mattock)把…葬入墳墓,埋葬,下葬[美國俚語]把(喝醉者)扶上床sleep in (或on) the bed one has made =lie in (或 on)the bed one has madestretch on the Procrustean bed 見 Procrustean bedtake to one's bed病倒在床上,(因病)臥床,開始臥病上床睡覺turn down a bed 把床罩翻開一部分(便於就寢)You have made your bed and you must lie on it. [諺語]事情是你犯下的,後果必須由你承擔。(或:自作自受。或:自食其果。)變形: bedded , bed , dingabbr.Bachelor of Education 教育學士


thin-beded 薄層的;


1.Jinjiawu gold deposit is controlled by the beded brittle-ductile shear zone. 金家塢金礦受控於一條順層脆-韌性剪切帶。

2.According to actual exploration data, it is analysed influence factors of big grain and thick-beded aquifer's well loss. 依據實際勘探資料,深刻分析了大厚度粗粒含水層井損值的影響因素。

3.In theCarboniferous, Yangchun area was covered with shallow sea, where the calcium carbonates deposited, then the thick –beded limestone and dolomite limestone formed. 在石炭紀,陽春地區是一片淺海,在淺海中沉積了碳酸鹽巖類,經過長期的壓實和固結作用,形成了厚層狀灰巖和白雲質灰巖。

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