clagn. 凝結;妨礙vi. 阻礙
clag 妨礙;妨礙, 凝結 阻礙;妨礙物;baffle block clag counteract counterwork cumber embarrass encumbrance hobble 阻礙;
1.It does not clag good circulation, especially it suits long-distance bus traveling and air traveling. 特別適合長途乘車,乘坐飛機時使用。
2.However, the theory and method could not be applied to China capital market because of the systematical obstacle, which severely clag the development of M&A in China capital market. 然而,我國資本市場的股權分置作為一項根本性制度障礙,使得價值評估在公司併購中無法得到有效地應用,嚴重阻礙了國內併購市場的健康成長。
3.That is only treasure scientific teaching. But despise scientific methods training. Examination ability education scale educational effect, clag train of civil scientific accomplishment . 我國傳統教育歷來重視知識的傳授,而缺乏對學生的科學方法、科學價值觀等科學素養的培養,以應試能力來衡量教育效果。