r. high up ,luxuriously ,richlyn. heights ,high gear ,high pressure ,high schoola. eminent ,gamey ,high-pitched ,in high spirits
n. low ,low spiritsa. low ,low-pitched
High[hai]adj. 高的;高級的;崇高的;高音調的n. 高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高壓地帶adv. 高;奢侈地
HIGH 高音電平控制;高的;心情超好;手動快速進給;high performance 高性能的;高性能;高效能;高性能模式;ride high 得意揚揚;成功;自得揚揚;獲得成功[高就;high bar 高槓;高桿;單槓;啤酒桶;high pressure 高壓;高壓力;壓力大;高[氣]壓;
1.Can you jump so high like me ? 你可以像我一樣跳這麼高嗎?
2.I think our product is high quality . 我想我們的產品是高質量的。
3.Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high. 飛翔,飛翔,振翅高飛。你讓我飛得如此之高。
I've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning. - 從昨天早上起,我就一直發高燒。
But your price is still on the high side even if taking quality into consideration. - 就算考慮質量上的因素,你們的價格還是高。
My parents expect nothing but high marks. - 我父母就希望我考高分。
If my GPA isn't high enough I can't play any sports. - 如果我的平均學分不夠高,我就不能再參加體育活動了。
He goes to high school. - 他在上高中。
At the Bronx High School of Science. - 在Bronx區的理科中學讀書。
at my junior high school graduation. - 在我初中畢業的時候。
One of my patients has a high fever, - 我的一位病人發高燒,
Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West. - 啊哈 高高飄浮在中央公園西路上空前進
Did you bring your transcript from high school? - 你把高中的成績單帶來了嗎?
You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper. - 你在Riverdale高中校刊做得有聲有色。
The cost of housing's too high for you here. - 這裡的房子對你們來說太貴了。
I was. But not in high school. - 說的對。但高中時不好。
Are you excited about graduating from high school? - 你從高中畢業會不會感到很興奮呢?
I'm a student of the world; in other words I flunked out of high school. - 我是社會學生,換句話說,我高中後就輟學了。
He married a classmate from high school. - 他與高中時代的同班同學結婚。
Where di you go to high school? - 你在哪兒上高中?
They graduated from high school last year. - 他們去年高中畢業。
She has a high reputation as a writer. - 她是個有名氣的作家。
Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs. - 沿著北部的海岸有許多高峽谷。
This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. - 這條山脈有許多高山峰和深峽谷。
He went to grade school in New york and high school in Cicargo. - 他在紐約上小學並在Cicargo上高中。
My sister graduated from high school.Graduation was last night. - 我的姐姐從高中畢業了.畢業典禮是昨天晚上。
My uncle is a high school principal. - 我的叔叔是一位高中校長。
One of the real pluses of this product is that it is of very high quality and of compact size. - 這種產品的真正優點之一就是高質量和小體積。
We feel product quality is high indeed. - 我們認為產品的質量的確很高。
I think your price is on the high side. - 我認為貴方價格偏高。
To walk in a high wind - 在強風中行走
They have been much too irresponsible for their high position. - 他們雖身居要位,未免太缺乏責任感了。
This window is just as high as thsat one. - 這扇窗戶剛好和那扇一樣高。
He that climbs high falls heavily. - 爬得高,跌得重。
If you don't aim high you will never hit high. - 不立大志,難攀高峰。
Those who climb high often have a fall. - 爬得高往往跌得重。
Where passion is high there reason is low. - 感情高漲處,理智就低落。
She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. - 知道自己已經接近岸邊了,因為那燈光是在高高的峭壁上。
The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. - 這座古城肯定一度很繁榮,因為它曾享有高度的文明,
Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. - 房子一般有3層樓高,用石塊修建。
She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. - 她身高3英尺,雙手叉腰。
The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace'. - 「幾百級台階通向環繞總統的高牆。
All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries. - 它們都曾從高層建築上摔下來過,但只有其中的8隻貓死於震盪或跌傷。
At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax. - 在高速下落中,貓有時間放鬆自己。
Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other, Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded. - 每次意大利各城邦之間打伏,霍克伍德把他的士兵僱傭給願給他出高價的君主。
yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service. - 但就在外科大夫給我們提供了這種服務後,我們卻可能為所支付的昂貴的費用而抱怨。
For him, caves have the same peculiar fascination which high mountains have for the climber. - 對洞穴探險者來說,洞穴有一種特殊的魅力,就像高山對登山者有特殊魅力一樣。
After switching on powerful arc lights, they saw great stalagmites -- some of them over forty feet high -- rising up like tree-trunks to meet the stalactites suspended from the roof. - 他們打開強力弧光燈,看見一株株巨大的石筍,有的高達40英尺,像樹幹似地向上長著,與洞頂懸掛下來的鐘乳石相接。
the only sound that could be heard was made by water which dripped continuously from the high dome above them. - 唯一的可以聽見的聲響是高高的圓頂上不間斷地滴水的嘀嗒聲。
On motorways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, - 在公路上還好,你至少能以相當快的速度安全地向前行。
You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. - 你毫不費勁地飛越高山幽谷,
Alpine village tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains. - 阿爾卑斯山山區的小村幾乎全是高山環抱、與世隔絕的窮鄉僻壤。
The high stern castle was a riot of carved gods, - 高聳的船樓上雕刻著令人眼花繚亂的神仙、
universal high speed refrigerated centrifuge - 萬能高速冷凍離心機
critical high tempera ture - 臨界高溫
high frequency cautery for eye - 五官科高頻電熨器
high quality product labet - 優質產品稱號
high anxiety; highanxiety; low anxiety; low impulsiveness; lowanxiety; lowimpulsiveness - 低衝動
high impulsiveness; highimpulsiveness; low anxiety; low impulsiveness; lowanxiety; lowimpulsiveness - 低度焦慮
on the high side - 偏高
holosystolic high plateau type - 全收縮高平頂型
n. high damping alloy - 減震合金
horizontal type high pressure sterilizer - 臥式高壓蒸氣消毒櫃
n. double sided high speed press - 雙柱高速壓力機
high frequency ventilation - 同頻通氣
n. high silicon steel - 含硅高的鋼
n. four high mill - 四輥軋機
convulsion due to high fever - 因熱痙厥
high fever; highfever - 壯熱
high egg passage - 多代雞胚疫苗
reaction of high order - 多級反應
high dose; highdose - 大劑量
high dose dexamethasone suppression test - 大劑量地塞米松抑制試驗
high power density - 大功率密度
n. high deformation - 大變型
high ligation of great saphenous vein - 大隱靜脈高位結紮術
natural high molecular compound - 天然高分子化合物
high frequency cautery for gynecology - 婦科高頻電熨器
in high spirit - 情緒高漲
n. high solid lacquer - 快干漆
scanning high energy electron diffraction - 掃瞄高能電子衍射
n. high corrosion resistance - 抗高度腐蝕
n. high angle directional well - 方向井
n. oxygen free high conductivity copper - 無氧高導電性銅
n. crack free high strength steel - 無瑕疵高強度鋼
n. crack free high strength steel - 無裂紋高強鋼
sudden attack of high fever - 暴熱
very high density liporotein - 極高密度脂蛋白
high tracheotomy; superior tracheotomy - 氣管上部切開術
n. high titanium oxide type electrode - 氧化鈦型焊條
n. high iron oxide type electrode - 氧化鐵型焊條
n. precipitation hardening type high speed steel - 沉澱硬化型高速鋼
n. quenched and tempered high strength steel - 淬火回火高強度鋼
deep x-ray therapy; deepx raytherapy; deepxraytherapy; high voltage roentgenotherapy - 深度X線治療
n. heat treated high tensile strength steel - 熱處理的高拉伸強度鋼
n. heat treated high tensile strength steel - 熱處理高張力強度鋼
n. heat treated high strength steel - 熱處理高強度鋼
calor; cauma; high fever with a feeling of burning; high feverwith a feeling of burnia; ignition; scorching fever - 灼熱
n. sintering technique with high blend of pellet feed - 燒結技術(有球粒喂料高混合)
n. sintered high speed steel - 燒結高速鋼
idiopathic high cardiac output state - 特發性高心搏出狀態
n. special high tensile brass - 特殊高拉伸青銅
high fat diet; ketogenic diet - 生酮飲食
高處適應 - adaptation to high altitude
n.高劑量率的遠距離治療 - at high dose rate
n.高頻鑄造用鈷鉻合金 - cobalt chromium alloy for high frequency casting
先天性肩胛聳舉症 - congenital high scapula
n.因熱痙厥 - convulsion due to high fever
n.臨界高溫 - critical high tempera ture
齒科高速切削器 - dental high speed equipment
齒科高速切削法 - dental high speed technique
n.高頻電磁場 - electromagnetic field of high frequency
n.高頻場強 - field intensity of high frequency
n.全收縮高平頂型 - holosystolic high plateau type
n.臥式高壓蒸氣消毒櫃 - horizontal type high pressure sterilizer
n.特發性高心搏出狀態 - idiopathic high cardiac output state
n.情緒高漲 - in high spirit
離子對高執行性液態色譜儀 - ion pair high performance liquid chromatography
n.癉瘧 - malatia with high fvver
n.天然高分子化合物 - natural high molecular compound
n.偏高 - on the high side
高壓氧 - oxygen under high pressure
冒險而動 - person with high risk of cancer
n.脈強 - pulse high
n.脈衝高頻機 - pulse high frequency apparatus
n.多級反應 - reaction of high order
n.本底輻射高的區域 - regions where it is high
n.掃瞄高能電子衍射 - scanning high energy electron diffraction
n.暴熱 - sudden attack of high fever
表層高定界層 - surface high deliming layer
n.高原耐性 - tolerance to high altitude
中移心患膜高卡路里浸劑 - trans-middle-cardiac-vein high calorie infusion
超高溫消毒法,超高溫滅菌 - ultra high temperature sterilization
n.萬能高速冷凍離心機 - universal high speed refrigerated centrifuge
極高密度 - very high density lipoprotein
n.極高密度脂蛋白 - very high density liporotein
n.超高頻 - very high frequency
甚高頻療法 - very high frequency therapy