stuttgartn. 斯圖加特(德國城市)
Stuttgart 斯圖加特;司徒加特;司徒加;斯圖加特市;Universitaet Stuttgart 斯圖加特大學;Stuttgart Ballet 斯圖加特芭蕾舞團;史圖加芭蕾舞團;STR STUTTGART 德國;斯圖加特(德國);University Stuttgart 斯圖加特大學;斯圖加特大學,;
1.Stuttgart's Command Post appears to be mostly intact. Get its Power Plant functional to regain radar information. 斯圖加特的指揮所似乎非常完好。讓能量廠恢復工作以獲取雷達的資料。
2.What's more, Stuttgart are reluctant to sell not only on principle but also due to their mounting injury problems at the back. 另外,斯圖加特之所以不肯賣梅拉,不只是因為價格問題,還為了考慮到球隊後防線的傷病問題。
3.More than two-thirds of Germans disapprove of earlier reforms to pensions and health care, according to a 2007 poll by the University of Stuttgart. 2007年斯圖加特大學進行的一次民調顯示,有三分之二的德國民眾反對早些年的養老金和醫療體制改革。