





TO[ॼຠtu:, ॼౠtu, ਾũ߳ॉͥ༱tə, t]adv. 向前;(門等)關上prep. 到;向;(表示時間、方向)朝…方向


to 湯加;給… 向 往;失誤;收信人;come to 甦醒;總數為,結果是;涉及,談到;總計,達到;thanks to 由於,多虧;由於;由於,多虧,幸虧;因為;Jump to 跳轉到;to endorse 背書;擁護;在(票據)背面簽名;


1.The aim of the nursing education is not only to have the knowledge of nursing, but also the quality and ability to care for others. 護理教育的目標是培養既具有專業護理知識,又具有人文關懷和照顧他人的品質和能力的高素質人才。

2.That would help all of us to use the machinery that we have in place for considering these data and for arriving at policy recommendations. 這將幫助我們所有的人來運用機構,在該機構中我們佔有適當的位置,考慮這些數據,並且達到政策建議。

3.In computer graphics, to move a display image on the display space in a straight line from one location to another without rotating the image. 在計算機圖形學中,在顯示屏幕上沿著一條直線把某一位置的圖像移動到另一個位置,但不使圖像旋轉。


Hello, May I speak to Miss Li, please? - 喂。我可以請李小姐接電話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Chen? - 可以跟陳小姐講話嗎?

That's all right. We don't go to bed early. - 那沒關係。我們不會睡得太早。

I'd like to talk to Mr. Wang, please. - 我想跟王先生講話。

When is a good time to catch him? - 什麼時候可以找到他?

I'm trying to catch Mary, please. - 我想與Mary聯絡。

May I speak to Miss Wang? - 我可以和王小姐講話嗎?

May I please speak to Mr. Kong? - 我可以孔先生講話嗎?

John cannot get to the phone right now. - John現在沒辦法接電話。

She is not able to take your call at the moment. - 她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

May I please speak to Ling Ling? - 我可以和玲玲講話嗎?

What number are you trying to dial? - 你要的電話是什麼號碼?

Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him. - 請你轉告他陸明正設法跟他聯繫。

May I speak to Miss Tan, please? - 可以請譚小姐聽電話嗎?

Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438. - 麻煩你請她打5225-9438找我。

I'd like to leave a message for him, if you don't mind. - 你若不介意的話,我想留話給他。

Can you relay this to Mr. Li? - 你能傳話給李先生嗎?

May I speak to Miss Hu, please? - 可以請胡小姐聽電話嗎?

Hello, I wish to speak to Xiao Fu. - 喂,我想和小付通話。

I'm calling to ask you some questions about Susan. - 我打電話是想問一些關於蘇珊的事。

Yeah, and I have to finish this report by four. - 是,我在四點之前得完成這個報告。

OK. I'll let you get back to your work. - 好,你過去工作吧。

Oh, Somebody's at the door. I have to go. - 哦,有人來了,我得去開門。

Sorry, I have to say good-bye. - 我不得不說再見了。

Well, Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together. - 嗯,黃小姐,我們打算大家小聚一番。

We're organizing an informal party, and I'd like you to come. - 我們計劃組織一個非正式聚會,我想請你參加。

We have another event to attend on the same day. - 那天我們有其他活動要參加。

I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu. - 我想跟徐小姐約個會面的時間。

Hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Gao Ling, please? - 喂,我是王明,我可以和高玲通話嗎?

I need to make an appointment with you tonight. - 我想今晚約你。

I'd like to make an appointment to discuss a question. - 我想約個時間討論個問題。

I'd like to meet Miss Kong sometime. - 我想找個時間跟孔小姐見面。

I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time. - 我想盡快看醫生。

Have you been here to see Dr. Tyler before? - 你曾來過泰勒醫務所看過醫生嗎?

I'll try to squeeze you at 2:30 p.m. - 你來如何?我會在下午2點半擠出時間的。

I'd like to set up a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. - 我想盡快預約門診。

Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong? - 是的。你們還有10號早上7點半去香港的機票嗎?

Please keep two for us to pick up. - 請給我保留兩張。

Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation. - 喂,你好,我叫蘇珊,我大電話確定我的預定。

I'm just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. - 我打電話確認明天下午3點你約定的時間。

I need to confirm my reservation. - 我要確認我的預定。

I just want to confirm that the arrangements have been made. - 我要確認所有計劃都安排好了。

My name is Wang Feng and I'm calling to cancel plane ticket. - 我叫王峰,我想取消我預定的飛機票。

Would you like me to reschedule you for another time? - 要不要我再另外為你安排別的時間?

I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans. - 我要取消預約,我們臨時改變計劃了。

I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night? - 我明白了。要不要另外為你安排別的晚上。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation? - 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?

I'm calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel our reservation. - 我打電話想知道我們的預約是否有可能取消。

I have to postpone our appointment. - 我要把我們的約會延期。

Is it too late to cancel our plans? - 現在取消我們的計劃是否太遲了?


infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding - 丁奚疳

identification according to the triple heater - 三焦辯證

failure of body to supinate; inability to lie flat - 不得偃臥

decoction to be taken at any time - 不拘時服

edema due to unacclimatization - 不服水土腫

mainly refer to such pathogenic factors as - 主要把這樣的病邪稱作

syncope due to exhaustion below - 上厥下竭

branches to nuclei of hypothalamus; rami nucleorum hypothalamicorum - 下丘腦核支

downward qi; keepiing the adverse qi downward; to keep the adverse qi flowing downward - 下氣

end to side mesocaval venous anastomosis - 下腔靜脈腸系膜靜脈端側吻合術

inability to suck milk - 不乳

forbid to drink wine - 不准喝酒

failing to rise - 不升

inability to flat - 不能偃臥

too numerons to count - 不計其數

cold syndrome of middle-jiao; cold syndrome of the middle-warmer; syncope due to pathogenic cold - 中寒

referring to the tri-jiao; the fu-organ that functions as sluice dredging - 中瀆之腑

nine kinds of illness due to disturbance of qi; nine kinds of illnss due to disturbance of qi - 九氣

lumbago due to injury - 傷損腰痛

abdominal pain due to injury - 傷損腹痛

lumbago due to injury - 傷損腹腰

cough due to summer heat - 傷暑咳嗽

lumbago due to dampness - 傷濕腰痛

spontaneous perspiration due to damp pathogen - 傷濕自汗

cough due to dryness - 傷燥咳嗽

headache due to acute alcoholism - 傷酒頭痛

dheadache due to improper diet - 傷食頭痛

diarrhea due to improper diet - 傷食瀉

pulverization; reduction to fine powder - 乳細

improper feeding to the infant - 乳食不節

dimethylbenzidine; o to lidine; otolidine - 二甲基二氨基聯苯

addiction to one of the five flavors - 五味偏嗜

factors intolerable to the five zang-organ; what the five zang-organs are averse to - 五臟所惡

n. process of superimposed alternating current to direct current - 交流與直流疊加過程

cycoltrin to produce neutrons - 產生中子的迴旋加速器

mechanical hemolysis due to artificial valve - 人工瓣膜機械性溶血

rub from above to below - 從上向下搓摩

pucturing the right to treatthe left; puncturing the right to treat the left - 以右治左

puncturing the left to treat the right - 以左治右

disease due to latent summer-heat - 伏暑

transmission from one channel to another - 傳經

hnbjo; deliver; to deliver; todeliver - 傳遞

dyspepsia due to improper - 傷乳食

injury due to physical overload - 傷力症

sending wounded to rear - 傷員後送

what have you done to your hand - 你的手怎麼傷的

bring to life - 使甦醒

meke the medicine easier to swallow - 使藥容易吞服

make the mineral drugs to be pure and fine - 使這些礦物類藥物純淨細膩

desire to defecate - 便意


n.蠱注 - a disease similar to pulmonary tuberculosis

n.焙 - a drug to modify its property and action

n.治療血虛的方法,血墚證治法 - a method to treat insufficiency of the blood

n.對身體有害的氣候 - a pernicious climate to health

n.欲傳 - a tendency to develop

n.氣積 - abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil

n.血瘀腹痛 - abdominal pain due to blood stasis

n.寒冷腹痛 - abdominal pain due to cold

n.濕熱腹痛 - abdominal pain due to damp-heat pathogen

n.血虛腹痛 - abdominal pain due to deficiency of blood

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to indigestion

n.傷損腹痛 - abdominal pain due to injury

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to reention of food

n.血滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood

n.氣結腹痛;n.氣滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi

受孕能力 - ability to conceive

工作能力 - ability to work

n.疏郁的方法 - access to treat stagnation

n.缺氧適應 - acclimatization to anoxia

n.脾屬土 - according to the theory of the five elements

n.活絡止痛 - activating collaterals to relieve pain

n.風寒咽痺 - acute pharyngitis due to pathogenic wind-cold

n.風熱咽痺 - acute pharyngitis due to pathogenic wind-heat

n.暗適應 - adaptation to darkness

環境適應 - adaptation to environment

高處適應 - adaptation to high altitude

光適應 - adaptation to luminosity

n.勞動適應 - adaptation to work

n.環境適應能力 - adaptive capacity to environment

n.蟲積腹痛 - adbominal pain due to enterositosis

藥物成癮 - addiction to drug

n.偏食 - addiction to one kind of foodstuff

n.五味偏嗜 - addiction to one of the five flavors

n.浸出添加劑 - additive to extraction

n.血熱經行先期 - advanced menstruation due to blood-heat

計算機變應性 - allergy to computer

n.反流性鹼性胃炎 - alkalioe gastritis due to regurgitation

n.血枯經閉 - amenorrhea due to blood depletion

n.避孕藥閉經 - amenorrhea due to contraceptive

n.脾虛經閉 - amenorrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen

n.寒濕凝滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation of cold wetness evil

n.血滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation og blood

n.腎虛經閉 - amenorrhea due to the kidney deficiency

n.血虧閉經 - amenorrhoea due to deficiency of blood

n.陰勝則陽病 - an excess of yin leads to disorder of yang

n.陰盛陽衰 - an excess of yin leads to yang defiiency

n.模擬-數字轉換,模擬數字轉換 - analog to digital

n.摸擬-數字轉換器,摸擬數字轉換器 - analog to digital converter

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