mottles['mɔtl]n. 斑點;雜色;斑駁vt. 使呈雜色;使顯得斑駁陸離
mottles 斑點紗線織物;斑點紗絨織物;reticulated mottles 網紋;rusty mottles 銹斑;斑紋鐵;iron mottles 鐵斑;celadon with brown mottles 青釉褐斑;
1.His face was mottled red and white with embarrassment. 他窘迫得臉上紅一塊白一塊。
2.With a fine, clear, smooth texture and various patterns formed by the red mottles, it was very popular among refined men of letters and even imperial families. 其石質細膩,晶瑩溫潤,紅斑聚散不一,千姿百態,深受文人雅士以至皇室的青睞。
3.The soils (Paleudults) consist predominantly of light brown fine loamy sand to fine sandy loam changing with depth into a brown sandy clay loam and sandy clay with red mottles. 土壤(強發育濕潤老成土)主要為淡棕色細壤質砂土到細砂質壤土,隨著深度增加,土壤變為棕色砂質粘壤土和帶有紅色斑點的砂質粘土。