negabbr. 否定的(negative)
NEG 日本電氣硝子;否定;電氣硝子;增重淨能;POS NEG 超能量;NEG negative 陰極的、負的;負壓;陰性;neg hun 一個人;NEG negative 負,陰(極);負的;負極;
1.But Ca a Neg living in Germany said it will help to improve the education system. 但是德國的C說,這項政策對教育系統是有促進作用的。
2.If you have been tested, and your result is NEG at 3 months, you do NOT have HIV, despite any "symptoms" you are sure you have. 如果你檢查完了,3個月的檢查結果是陰性的,那麼你沒有被感染,儘管許多「症狀」然你覺得你感染了。
3.There fore, we can offer empirical supports for NEG theory, and then the paper concludes by suggesting some significant policy proposition. 從而為新經濟地理理論提供經驗支持,並在此基礎上提出了新經濟地理學有意義的政策含義。