oligotrophic[,ɔliɡəu'trɔfik, ə,li-]adj. (湖泊、池塘等)貧營養的,營養不足的
oligotrophic 貧(營)養的;寡養的;少營養的;貧養的;oligotrophic plant 寡養植物;貧營養植物;oligotrophic microorganisms 貧營養微生物;oligotrophic lakes 貧養湖泊;缺乏養分的湖泊;oligotrophic conditions 貧瘠條件;
1."The key point is that the Gulf of Eilat is an oligotrophic sea, a sea that does not have nitrogen at all, " Loya explained. 洛亞解釋道:「關鍵是埃拉特海灣是一片營養貧乏、完全不含氮的海域。」
2.It is very interesting that various oligotrophic plants have identical isotopic values, revealing that the oligotrophic peat may be as an ideal archive for resolving paleoclimatic signals. 非常有意義的是貧營養泥炭(高位泥炭)的成沼植物有著非常接近的同位素組成,揭示貧營養型泥炭可能是更為理想的過去全球變化信息檔案。
3.It is pointed out that the physiological and ecological characteristics of oligotrophic microbes and the coaction of physical-chemical and biochemical processes need further investigation. 濾層中貧營養微生物生理生態特性、物化與生化的協同作用等有待深入研究。