disruptions in settled patterns of life and work 固有生活工作模式的瓦解;archetypal patterns 原型模式;Patterns and Classifications 模式和分類;dietary patterns 飲食模式;膳食模式;Patterns for dressmaking 制女服(童裝)型板;
1.The mink knitted pullover, the cut in fur patterns coat, very close to the body cocktail dresses in black velvet, marabou boleros and a magnificent top in chestnut glace stitch with pleated patterns. 貼身的天鵝絨晚宴洋裝;奢華的鹮毛服飾;炫美的栗色打褶上衣,針腳細密;一切秉承了高級定制服裝關注設計與細節的精神。
2.Mine and Longnu's are not cicada patterns, my Xiang Spear is and old item in Lingnan which is octahedron represented Bagua, such patterns are common here. 我貼的和「龍女」所貼非蟬圖案,我那「響矛」是嶺南的舊器呈八面柱體形,八面象徵八卦吧,這種圖案這裡見不小。
3.The persona hypothesis should be based on likely behavior patterns and the factors that differentiate these patterns, not purely on demographics. 人物角色假設應當基於可能的行為模式以及區分這些模式的因素,而非單純的人口統計學因素。
4.Define patterns to be etched simply by drawing a rectangular selection box around the patterns. 定義需要蝕刻的圖形時,只需繪製一個矩形框選中需要的圖形。
5.As sick patterns enter the water supply, the water therein being holographic begins to emulate the sick geometrical patterns. 當疾病圖案進入到供水系統時,其中的水被全息化而開始模仿病人的幾何圖案。
The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. - 個人的生活史首先就是適應他的社團世代相傳形成的生活方式和準則。
We cannot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to, - 我們不能脫離我們大腦所限定的模式去思考問題,
n.藥的劑型 - drug patterns