





n. alir ,army for the liberation of rwanda ,former armed forces ,interahamwe


a. close ,near ,nigh


far[fɑ:]adv. 很;遙遠地;久遠地;到很遠的距離;到很深的程度adj. 遠的;久遠的n. 遠方


FAR 認假率;誤識率;遠程;錯誤接受率;so far 到某個程度;到這種程度;到目前為止;就此範圍來說;far example 例如;go far (人)大有前途;成功;效力大;揚名;Far fog 遠煙;


1.Does the letter have to go far ? 這封信一定要送出那麼遠嗎?

2.Rockets can fly far out into space. 火箭能夠飛出地球進入太空。

3.No it was builded far from accident. 不呀,它並不是建立在偶然上;


I can speak English as far as foreign languages are concerned. - 就外語來說,我只會講英語。

Rolexes! Are you joking? That's far outside my price range! - 勞力士?!別開玩笑了!那可遠超過我的預算了。

Have you ever been to Far East Department Store? - 你曾去過遠東百貨公司嗎?

I'm far sighted. - 我是遠視眼。

Oh, that's not too far from here! - 噢, 那兒不很遠。

I feel that no other car comes close as far as luxury and reliability are concerned. - 我覺得就豪華和可靠性而言,沒有其它汽車能與其媲美。

The office seems so far away. - 辦公室好像變得那麼遙遠。

It's a far cry from what I expected. - 這離我想要的差遠了。

No news is good news as far as I'm concerned. - 我覺得沒有消息就是最好的消息。

So far so good. - 到目前為止一切都好。

As far as English is concerned, he is second to none. - 就英語來說,沒有人能夠比得上他。

As far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like. - 就我而言,你可以自便。

As far as I am concerned, I cannot object to your marriage. - 就我個人而言,我不反對你們的婚事。

As far as possible, the teacher should expose the student to real life situations. - 教師應該盡可能使學生接觸現實生活的情景。

But, at the same time, they wish he weren't going so far away. - 但同時,他們希望他不要離得這麼遠。

My biggest problem so far has been trying to remember everybody's name. - 迄今為止我最大的問題就是盡量記住每個人的名字

So far I have been learning about England. - 到目前為止,我一直在研究有關英格蘭的事情。

The weather has been hot so far this summer. - 到目前為止,今夏天氣一直很炎熱。

So far so good. - 目前為止,一切都好。

So far I have been learning about China. - 到止前我止,我一直都在研究中國的事情。

I've been here for three weeks, and so far I've enjoyed it. - 我已經在這裡逗留了三個星期,到現在為止,我過得很好。

The problem is far from easy. - 這問題絕非易事。

Your account is far from true. - 你說的根本不是事實。

He has gone far beyond me in learning. - 他在學問上超過我。

As far as I'm concerned, you can stay out all night. - 對我來說,你可以整晚都在外面。

As far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like. - 就我而言,你可以自便。

I was born in a little town not far from here. - 我出生在離這兒不遠的小城市裡。

How far is it to the university? - 它離大學多遠?

Our views are not so far apart,after all. - 我們的看法不是相差懸殊,不管怎麼說。

How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains? - 從大西洋海岸到山脈有多遠?

No one can match us so far as quality is concerned. - 就質量而言,沒有任何廠家能和我們相比。

No. It's not far at all. - 不用。很近的。

Is it too far to walk? - 走著去很遠嗎?

No. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the Number 31 there. - 不去,最遠只到正街。不過你可以到那裡再乘31路。

He is far too qualified for such a menial position. - 他做那樣卑賤的工作,未免太可惜了。

How far is it from here to the bus stop? - 到公共汽車站有多遠?

Better good neighbours near than relations far away. - 遠親不如近鄰。

Fair and softly go far in a day. - 謙和穩重,前程遠大。

Far from eye, far from heart. - 離遠而情疏。

Virture is fairer far than beauty. - 美德遠比美麗更美好。

The stars are too far away. - 星星太遙遠了。

This is by far the largest cake in the world. - 這是目前世界上最大的蛋糕了。

As far as policy is concerned, I have to say something. - 談到政策,我得說幾句。

He is finding his new work far more exciting. - 他發覺自己的新工作令人興奮得多。

'This is as far as we go.' - 「我們的車就到此為止了。」

The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. - 人們曾請求教區的牧師叫人把樹砍掉,但他直到現在也沒有同意。

A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. - 他們通常能夠做到的,至多也就是安靜地釣上一天魚,或在電影院裡坐上8個小時,一遍遍地看同一部電影。

These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. - 如今,從事體力勞動的人的收入一般要比坐辦公室的人高出許多。

By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. - 由於被迫在露天睡覺,他比我們中許多人都離大自然近得多。

At the far end of the lake, they came to huge piles of rubble which had been washed up by the water. - 在湖的盡頭,他們見到一大堆一大堆由湖水沖刷上岸的碎石。


far advanced; faradvanced - 極晚期的

russian far eastern encephalitis; russian spring-summer encephalitis - 蘇聯春夏型腦炎

russian far easternencephalitis; russian spring summer enecphalitis - 蘇聯遠東型腦炎

far point; punctum remotum - 遠點

near and far visual difference - 遠近視差

far advanced tuberculosis - 重度肺結核


n.獾油 - badger far

n.遠近視差 - near and far visual difference

n.蘇聯春夏型腦炎 - russian far eastern encephalitis

n.蘇聯遠東型腦炎 - russian far easternencephalitis


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