first-aidadj. 急救的;急救用的
first-aid 急救;急救的;指公司內的醫藥箱;急救,應急;first-aid station 急救站;救護站;救護站,救護站,急救站;first-aid case 急救箱;輕傷事故;急救包;first-aid post 急救站;first-aid repair 搶修;
1.Offer first-aid rescue service in Wuhan city. 提供市內道路車輛應急救援服務。
2.First-aid kit. Another no-brainer. Serious wounds are rare in diving, but it should be possible to stop the bleeding for that long trip back to the dock. 另一個必備品。在潛水中發生嚴重的創傷的可能性很小,但是它至少可以在船駛回碼頭的很長的航程中過程中幫你止血。
3.To improve the power of ambulance vehicular first-aid devices, an ameliorating devise to ambulance vehicular power is developed to fit more demand in application. 針對醫用救護車車載急救設備的供電不足問題,對救護車車載電源進行改進設計,以滿足更多的應用需求。
Could you tell me where is the first-aid room? - 你能不能告訴我急診室在哪裡?
first-aid personnel - 急救人員
first-aid station - 急救站
first aid kit; first-aid case - 急救箱
first-aid organization - 急救組織
first-aid medicine - 急救藥品
emergency measures; emergencymeasures; first-aid measures - 搶救措施
aid station; casualty station; first-aid station - 救護站
first-aid team - 救護隊