





1st Division of the NFA 新四軍第1師;above all first first of all firstly for one thing in the first instance in the first place 首先;above all first first of all firstly for one thing in the first instance in the first place 首先;wherein said yoke axle of said first universal joint yoke assembly is coupled at a right angle to said first elevator hinge 該方法的索賠6日,其中說,第一屆和第二屆電梯議會席捲了議會電梯是取決於相對傾斜對方;其中說和枷鎖軸表示,第二萬向節枷鎖加上裝配在一個正確的角度說,第二個電梯鉸鏈。;其中說枷鎖軸表示,第一萬向節枷鎖加上裝配在一個正確的角度說,第一電梯鉸鏈;private first class seaman first class 上等兵;


1.The days to flowering in stored-bulbs planted on June 1st to October 1st were 8 to 26 days later than those unstoried-bulbs planted on May 1st. 貯藏之種球自6月1日至10月1日種植則其自種值至開花所需日數比未貯藏種球於5月1日種植者約晚8~26天。

2.Why, man, I don't know a partridge from a pigeon, and it might be the 1st of April instead of the 1st of September for aught I care. 呀,朋友,我連鷓鴣和鴿子都分不清;今天或許是四月一日而不是九月一日,我也絲毫不在意。

3.Early menarche, late menopause, or late 1st pregnancy increases risk. Women who have a 1st pregnancy after age 30 are at higher risk than those who are nulliparous. 初潮早,停經晚,或首次妊娠晚,均可增加癌症危險。30歲後懷第一胎的婦女,其危險性要高於未產婦。

4.Why, man, I don't know a partridge from a pigeon, and it might be the 1st of April instead of the 1st of September for aught I care. 呀,朋友,我連鷓鴣和鴿子都分不清;今天或許是四月一日而不是九月一日,我也絲毫不在意。

5.Since the All-Star break, the Yankees rank first in batting average, first in home runs, first in runs scored, first in RBIs, first in on-base percentage and first in slugging percentage. 自從明星賽後,洋基在平均打擊率排名第一,在全壘打數排第一,在得分、打點、上壘率及長打率,通通都是第一名。

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