mccluren. 禾本科,葫蘆竹
Tane McClure 坦 麥克盧爾;坦·麥克盧爾;Margarita McClure 麥克盧爾;Kandyse McClure 坎迪斯·麥克盧爾;Vimala McClure 馬可蘿;Chip McClure 麥克盧爾;
1.Knowing what McClure wants in an outside law firm is valuable information. 瞭解McClure需要什麼樣的律所為其服務是很有價值的。
2.The spread of ecological consciousness, emphasized early on by Gary Snyder and Michael McClure, the notion of a "Fresh Planet." 主張普及生態保護意識。最早提出這一理念的是蓋瑞·施奈德和邁克爾·麥克魯爾,他們提出了「潔淨行星」的概念。
3.McClure said one associate told her -- in a pitch -- that he wasn't going to be able to make partner if he didn't bring in some business, so would she please help him out. McClure說,在一次招標中,有位律師對她說,如果他不能給公司帶來商業利益,他就無法獲得為公司提供法律服務的機會,所以想請她幫個忙通融一下。