Zur chung Shes rab Brags 見與義之頂峰小宿智稱;Shes tied to my ankle with a ball and chain 妍我腳踝綁了鎖;Shes the best girl that I ever had 妍有史以來最好的女孩,我曾;Shes got me thinking about her constantly 她經常讓我聯想妍;Shes trying to make a devil out of me 妍想把我走出了魔鬼;
1.The British image in Lao Shes novels well displays the authors understanding of British culture. 老捨小說中的英國形象包含了許多作者本人對英國文化的理解。
2.Shes pruning down the novel at the publishers request. 她按出版商的要求對小說進行刪改。
3.Shes got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society. 她對社會改革有些異想天開的想法。
4.Our daughters hit a growth spurt - shes grown out of two sizes of pants this month! 我們的女兒突然開始快速成長-他一個月內他的褲子需要加大兩個尺寸。
5.damn shes gonna be a good chirurgeon. show no weakness, you get it on top. 哈哈哈哈好熟悉的一句話。記得半年前我看到這兒的時候。