





took[tuk]v. 拿;取;接受(take的過去式和過去分詞)


took 拿走;Theory Of Our Kind;一般過去時;採取了;took on 承擔;承受;承辦;採取;took in 吸收;收進;對...加以考慮;took place 發生;舉行;took off 截斷;拿走;去掉;


1.He took time at the right time. 他在正確的時間抓住了時機。

2.That woman took a very good book. 那個女人拿了一本很好的書。

3.He took a book off a shelf. (介詞)他從書架上取了一本書。


Yes, I took part in. - 有,我參加了。

That took place right after the First World War, didn't it? - 它就發生在第一次世界大戰之後,是嗎?

I took out a government loan to pay for college. - 我靠政府貸款上的大學。

They took everything I had. - 他們拿走了我的一切。

They took every last dime. - 他們拿走了所有的錢。

I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it. - 我很高興你發現了旅行袋而且不怕麻煩花時間將它送來。

I just took the wrong train. - 只是我坐錯了車。

Philip, I took Michelle to a school play - Philip,我帶Michelle看過學校演出的

He took care of my daughter - 我女兒曾受他照顧,

He actually took me to meet his foreman. - 事實上他帶著我去見他的工頭。

often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends. - 經常在週末帶我們去城市的一些地方。

Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some breakfast for you. - 噢 ,我冒昧給你們訂了早餐。

Well, how would it be if you took some time - 好, 那你花些時間

if people took the time to read. - 只要人們肯花時間去閱讀。

I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. - 我昨天帶他到Philip的辦公室去做檢查。

You took the words right out of my mouth. - 我的話讓你先說出來了。

When's the last time you took a vacation? - 上次你去度假是什麼時候?

The bank canceled his loan and took back his car. - 銀行取消了他的貸款並收回了他的車。

The course I took was above me. - 我上的這門課太難了。

He took French leave. - 他不辭而別。

She took a medical course. - 她選讀醫學課程。

It took years of hard work. - 那需要多年辛苦工作。

I took a month off for a holiday. - 我休了一個月假。

He took a strong attitude towards her. - 他對她採取強硬態度。

He took two weeks off in August. - 他在八月份休假兩星期。

The sight of such a beautiful girl took Tony's breath away. - 看到如此美麗的女孩,他目瞪口呆。

It was so beautiful it took my breath away. - 它美得使我目瞪口呆。

The chance to enter the college came and he took it. - 有一個上大學的機會,他抓住了這個機會。

During the two years since I took charge of the department. - 在我負責這個部門的兩年中。

Steele took charge of all arrangements. - 斯蒂爾負責一切準備工作。

I took charge of the group. - 我管理過那批人。

You'd have a better chance of catching the train if you took a bus to the station instead of walking. - 如果你不是步行而是乘公共汽車的話,那你就比較有可能趕上火車。

Would you mind if I took a day off? - 我請一天假可以嗎?

It took me an hour to walk there. - 走到那裡花了我一小時。

The homework took me a whole day. - 做家庭作業花了我一整天的時間。

Yes, and I took many pictures. - 是的,我還照了好多照片。

It took him a long time to make up his mind. - 下決心花了他很長時間。

My brother took a trip to Mexico. - 我的兄弟到墨西哥旅行了。

He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. - 他給我做了X光檢查並且量了我的血壓。

I didn't like the taste of the medicine,but I took it anyway. - 我不喜歡藥的味道,但是我拿了它沒辦法。

My brother took lessons on the trumpet for nearly ten years. - 我的兄弟有將近10年的時間聽小號的課了。

She took an aspirin to relieve her headache. - 她吃了一片阿斯匹林以解頭痛。

This week he took his first vacation from work in five years. - 五年來,他本周破例第一次休假。

The police crept up from behind and took the gangster by surprise. - 警察悄悄從背後繞過去,出其不意地將歹徒逮捕。

Silverwind took a firm grasp of his axe. - 銀風緊握住斧柄。

John took a glance at the beautiful women. - 約翰瞄了一眼那個美麗的女人。

I took 2 pounds of fish. - 我拿了兩磅魚。

I took 4 feet of cloth. - 我拿了四英尺布。

I took 6 boxes of biscuits. - 我拿了六盒餅乾。

I took off my coat. - 我脫下了我的外套。


he took some blood-cooling drug - 他服了涼血藥


n.他服了涼血藥 - he took some blood-cooling drug

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