





allow 允許,准許;允許;留出時間;允許,給予,提供,承認;allow for 考慮到;考慮到,顧及;體諒;考慮到,估計到;Allow substitution 允許替換;答應替換;Allow Spinning (允許旋轉):選擇此選項旋轉粒子。;Allow smoothing 允許平滑;允許平滑處理;


1.Some venues allow only dogs of known herding breeds to compete; others allow any dog that has been trained to work stock. 有些賽事,只允許已知的放牧犬品種參與競爭。也有一些賽事允許任何受過放牧訓練的犬隻參賽。

2.The temper of the old daddy as wells very difficult touch the permease, sometimes addicted allow the body astonishment, sometimes bad allow the body frightened. 老爸的脾氣也很難摸透,有時好得讓人驚奇,有時壞得讓人害怕。

3.North Korea will allow some separated families to hold a reunion. It will also allow South Korean tourists back into North Korea. 朝鮮將允許分隔在南北韓的家庭團聚,也將允許韓國遊客進入朝鮮境內。

4.Allow me to congratulate you on your great accomplishment. 讓我衷心地向您了了不起的成就祝賀。

5.I only allow the world access to his beloved! 我的世界只允許自己心愛的人進入!


Our boss doesn't allow creative thinking. - 我們老闆不容許創造性的思維存在。

but our schedules won't allow it. - 但我們的工作時間表不允許這樣。

I can't drop the price any further, the owner doesn't allow it. - 我不能再進一步砍價了,賣主不肯讓步。

I'd like to allow anyone to ask whatever questions they may have. - 我樂意接受任何人提出的任何問題。

We would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts. - 若能告知你方是否給現金折扣或商業折扣,將不勝感激。

From all listed prices we allow a discount of 10 percent on orders received on or before 31st May. - 5月31日或此前收到的訂單,我們都按價目單上的價格給10%的折扣。

I don't allow my children to play with toy guns. - 我不讓自己的孩子玩玩具槍。

He should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. - 他本該知道警察絕不會允許這類事情發生。

We're sorry, but we cannot allow your claim. - 對不起,我無法接受你的賠償要求。

In 1893 New Zealand was the first nation in modern times to allow women to vote, long before many other countries. - 3年,新西蘭是第一個在近代就允許婦女參加選舉的國家,這比許多其他國家要早得多。

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