sanctaadj. 神聖的;光榮的n. 聖所;密室(sanctum的複數形式)
Sancta 神聖;聖哉經;Haec sancta 神聖法規,公會議法令;Sancta Maria 聖母瑪利亞;聖哉瑪利亞;聖哉瑪莉亞;聖哉瑪莉亞夏綠蒂;Sancta Sophia 聖索菲亞大教堂;Sancta gloriosa 神聖的,光榮的主;
1.The office of the pope is called the Papacy; his ecclesiastical jurisdiction is called the Holy See (Sancta Sedes). 教宗的官方稱謂是羅馬教皇;他的教會權限就稱為聖座。
2.All of these not only maintain the dignity of the law but also sancta the crime, and have the basic requirement of the law and policy. 完善司法追繳的主體和程序,賦予檢察機關完備的追繳權,是維護法律的尊嚴,也是制裁犯罪的需要。
3.According to legend, since 876 the Cathedral has housed a tunic that has been said to have belonged to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sancta Camisia. 根據傳說,西元876年,這座教堂曾經收藏著一件聖母瑪利亞的馬甲。