n. accomplishment ,acquirement ,acquisition ,science
skillsn. 技能;技巧(skill的複數形式);技術
Skills 技巧;技術;技能;繡藝問吧;interpersonal skills 人際交往能力;人際關係的技巧;人際技能;人際交往技巧;Driving Skills 汽車駕駛技術;汽車駕駛技藝;basic skills 基本技能;基本能力;基本功;基本功(基本技術);Occupational skills 職業技能;
1.There is fire and eye team skills '. 而且火眼有是組隊技能,好呀。
2.Do you have qualification or special skills? 你有資格證和特殊技能證嗎?
3.My resolution this year is to improve on my writing skills and make better beef stews. 我的新年決心是盡力改善我的寫作能力,爭取把燉牛肉做得更美味。
Based on my skills and experience, I am looking for four thousand a month. - 根據我的能力和經驗,我希望月薪是4000元。
The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. - 社會上的情況就是如此,技術是必須付錢去買的,就像在商店裡要花錢買商品一樣。
To examine your skills and abilities still further, ask yourself this question: in the following three areas - skills with people, skills with information or skills with things - which are your best skills? Note that it is not enough to say to yourself, - 在與人交往,獲取信息或處理事務這三個方面的技能中,你最擅長哪方面的技能?注意如果你對自己說"我喜歡和人們在一起工作",這是不夠的,因為這是人性中的一部分。因此,重要的是考查帶給你極大滿足感的人際關係。例如,你也許善於勸說、指導、採訪、聆聽、教導或傳遞信息。
社會技能訓練 - social skills training