skimped[skimp]vt. 剋扣;對…不夠用心;捨不得給;少給vi. 節省;不夠用心adj. 少的;不足的
skimped 被限制的;
1.Although the panel did not find any evidence that the firm had knowingly skimped on safety, it concluded that budgets had been inadequate and that staff had been overstretched. 儘管並沒有發現任何證據表明公司蓄意節省安全方面的開支,專家小組的結論是預算不夠充分,員工負擔的工作太多。
2.Fed up with life at home in the small central town of Znin, he skimped on food for years to save some $3000 from his meagre 600-zloty ($185) monthly pension to execute his plan. 由於厭倦了在波蘭中部小鎮茲寧的生活,多年來他一直剋扣食物花費,從每個月僅600波幣(185美元)的微薄退休俸中,存下3000美元來實行他的計畫。
3.'It just goes with the story, ' he says of the geysers of plasma. 'I'd seen different Sweeney Todd productions on stage, and when they skimped on the blood, the production lost something. 談及戲中飛迸的血漿,他說:「這跟故事是緊密相連的,我看過舞台上的幾個版本的《理髮師陶德》,當他們省掉了血的部分,整個製作就感覺少了什麼。