Substitutes and Complements 替代品和補充品;Substitutes for C Constructs C構件的替代品;substitutes 替代品;替補隊員。;替補隊員;替補;import substitutes 進口替代產品;tissue substitutes 組織代用品;釋義:組織代用品;
1.The low-calorie sugar substitutes available today, such as aspartame, sucralose and saccharin, often have bitter aftertastes at the high concentrations at which they are needed. 目前低熱量的代糖,例如阿斯巴甜、三氯蔗糖和糖精,往往在所需的高濃度下會出現餘苦味。
2.Irrigating devices help to flush out corners under braces and bridgework, but they're not effective substitutes for brushing and other physical means. 沖洗器有助於沖洗支架和橋托下的角落,但它們不能有效地代替刷牙和其他物理方法。
3.Lecture Note on Strategic Substitutes and Strategic Complements. 策略替代和策略補充的課堂講稿。
4.As one of substitutes for fire-extinguishing agent of halogenated hydrocarbon, fire-extinguishing agent of halogenated hydrocarbon produces lots of acid gases. 作為哈龍滅火劑氣體替代物之一的鹵代烴類滅火劑用於滅火時會產生大量的鹵化氫酸性氣體。
5.If you drink enough milk and eat enough egg and meat substitutes, you'll get enough protein ingested. 如果你喝足夠的牛奶,吃足夠的雞蛋和肉類代替品,就能滿足蛋白質的攝入。