catatonic[,kætə'tɔnik]adj. 緊張性精神症的n. 緊張性精神症患者
catatonic 緊張症的;精神症患者;屬於緊張型;釋義:緊張型精神分裂症患者;Catatonic Fear 哥特式金屬;硬搖滾;新金屬;工業金屬;catatonic syndrome 緊張綜合征;catatonic stupor 緊張性木僵 ? 緊張性僵呆;緊張性木僵 緊張性僵呆;catatonic excitement 緊張症興奮;
1.Most in chronic period, simple type, catatonic type and male patients. 12%,多見於慢性期、單純型、緊張型及男性。
2.An iguana lay on a path near joggers in Davie, Fla. , Sunday. Iguanas become catatonic in the cold and fall from trees. 一隻在寒冷天氣中變得反應遲鈍的鬣蜥趴在路邊,佛羅里達,美國。
3.He would withdraw morosely from the world into a sort of catatonic state. Early in his marriage, Epstein writes, "Lincoln had night terrors." 愛普斯坦的書中提到,林肯剛結婚時「有黑夜恐懼症,他總是在半夜驚醒,渾身顫抖,胡言亂語。」
catatonic type - 緊張型
catatonic schizophrenia - 緊張型精神分裂症
catatonic excetement - 緊張性興奮
catatonic excitement schizophreneic psychosis - 緊張性興奮精神分裂精神症
catatonic stupor - 緊張性木僵
catatonic stupor schizophrenic psychosis - 緊張性木僵精神分裂精神病
catatonic dementia - 緊張症型癡呆
catatonic schizophrenia - 緊張症型精神分裂症