collapsibilityn. 崩散性;易坍塌性
collapsibility 崩散性;易坍塌性;崩陷性;萎陷;core collapsibility 砂心崩散性;型芯潰散性;thaw collapsibility 融陷性;Collapsibility loess 濕陷,陛黃土;濕陷性黃土;loess collapsibility test 室內土工試驗黃土濕陷試驗;黃土濕陷試驗;室內土工試驗 黃土濕陷試驗;
1.Finally, this paper gives some advice on the treatment method according to the different collapsibility loess foundation. 最後,提出了適合不同濕陷性黃土地基處理的建議方案。
2.Dense degree of soil around lime soil compaction piles in huge thickness and serious collapsibility loess ground is investigated with experiments. 對超厚度強濕陷性黃土地基應用(灰)土擠密樁樁周土體密實度變化規律進行試驗研究。
3.Airport management is well aware that water-proof measures to prevent and reduce ground water immersion in order to eliminate the loess collapsibility of external conditions. 機場管理層深知,防水措施是防止和減少水浸入地基,從而消除產生黃土濕陷性的外在條件。