





a. confirmative ,confirmatory ,confirming ,indirect


a. direct ,lineal


collateral[kə'lætərəl]adj. 並行的;旁系的;附屬的n. 抵押品;擔保品;旁系親屬


collateral 抵押品;抵押物;旁系,附屬的;抵押;collateral loan 抵押貸款;抵押借款;抵押品擔保貸款;擔保債務;collateral value 抵押物價值;抵押資產值;抵押品價值;擔保品價值,擔保價值;collateral bond 擔保債券;original collateral 初始抵押品;


1.Calculation and payment of interest on cash collateral. 現金擔保品利息之計算與給付。

2.Collateral, such as property or investments, secures the repayment of traditional loans. 抵押品,諸如財產,投資金等,保證了傳統貸款的償還。

3.Farmers often use cows and other livestock as collateral for government loans and subsidies. 農民經常用奶牛或其他家畜作為政府貸款或補助的抵押品。


until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor. - 在他們提到擔保物或擔保人之前。


arteria collateralis media; middle collateral artery - 中復動脈

collateral trigone; trigonum collaterale - 側副三角

collateral sulcus; sulcus collateralis - 側副溝

collateral vessel; vas collaterale - 側副管

collateral eminence; eminentia collateralis - 側副隆起

collateral ligaments; ligamenta collateralia - 側副韌帶

collateral branch - 側支

collateral respiration - 側支呼吸

collateral circulation; compensatory circulation - 側支循環

collateral hyperemia - 側支性充血

collateral heredity - 側系遺傳

collateral points; fifteen collateral channels; fifteen main collaterals - 十五絡

collateral vascular bundle - 外韌維管束

collatereals; large collaterals; large collatereals; the larte collateral channel - 大絡

arteria collateralis ulnaris inferior; inferior ulnar collateral artery - 尺側下副動脈

collateral ulnar ligament; ligamentum collaterale ulnare - 尺側副韌帶

collateral inheritance - 旁親遺傳

collateral branch - 旁支

collateral relatives - 旁系親屬

collateral chain - 旁系鏈

circumstantial rvidence; collateral evidence - 旁證

activate collateral flow; activating collateral flow; activating the collaterals - 活絡

collateral branch of the large channel; link up; retinervus; the collateral channels - 絡

collateral puncture - 絡刺

acupuncture point of the collateral channels; collateral points - 絡穴

rupture of medial collateral ligament of elbow - 肘內側韌帶斷裂

main collateral from the stomach; main collateral from the stomaxh - 胃之大絡

large collateral of the stomach channel; the large collateral of the stomach channel - 虛裡

portacaval collateral circulation - 門-腔側枝循環

venous collateral circulation - 靜脈側支循環


n.活絡 - activate collateral flow

n.活絡 - activating collateral flow

n.絡穴 - acupuncture point of the collateral channels

軸突側支,軸索側支 - axon collateral

腓側副韌帶 - fibular collateral ligament

n.十五絡 - fifteen collateral channels

n.尺側下副動脈 - inferior ulnar collateral artery

n.虛裡 - large collateral of the stomach channel

n.胃之大絡 - main collateral from the stomach

n.胃之大絡 - main collateral from the stomaxh

n.中復動脈 - middle collateral artery

n.門-腔側枝循環 - portacaval collateral circulation

橈副動脈 - radial collateral artery

橈側副韌帶 - radial collateral ligament

逆向側軸 - recurrent axon collateral

n.肘內側韌帶斷裂 - rupture of medial collateral ligament of elbow

尺側上副動脈 - superior ulnar collateral artery

n.絡 - the collateral channels

n.虛裡 - the large collateral of the stomach channel

n.脾脹,脾之大絡 - the large splenic collateral

n.大絡 - the larte collateral channel

脛骨副韌帶 - tibial collateral ligament

脛骨副韌帶 - ulnar collateral ligament

n.靜脈側支循環 - venous collateral circulation

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