





distributional stability 分佈穩定;分佈的穩定性;afloat stability 漂浮穩性;ageing stability 老化穩定性;耐老化性;釋義:老化穩定性;stability analyses 穩定性分析;asymptotic stability 漸近穩定性;漸進穩定性;漸近穩定度;漸似穩度;


1.Ideological stability is the basis while political stability is the core and the social order stability is the reflection of social stability. 思想穩定是基礎,政治穩定是核心,社會秩序的穩定是社會穩定的體現。

2.Some improvements on transient energy function calculation, stability criterion and stability index for the practice of hybrid method of transient stability analysis are proposed. 針對混合法暫態穩定分析在能量函數計算、穩定情況判別以及穩定指標計算等方面存在的問題,從實用化的角度,提出了幾點改進。

3.The target of this paper is to develop a new stability control device, which could be the local area stability control device, and could also be part of the large area stability control system. 本文的目的是研究一種既可以作為局部穩定控制裝置,又可以作為在線准實時穩定控制裝置的執行站的新型穩定控制裝置。

4.The method can be used to calculate thin-walled structures not only overall stability but also local stability and interactive stability. 通過算例驗證了該方法的可靠性,可以計算薄壁結構的整體穩定、局部穩定和整體局部相關穩定。

5.On the other hand, they also possess pretty good demulsibility, adhesive property, anti-rust property, machining stability, thermal stability and gum formation stability. 同時間擁有良好的抗乳化性、黏附性、氧化安定性、防銹性、機械穩定性、熱穩定性及膠體安定性。


stability of joint - 關節穩定性

stability of molecule - 分子穩定性

vestibulospinal stability test - 前庭脊柱穩定試驗

n. stability constant of complex - 合成物的穩定常數

conditional stability constant - 條件穩定常數

fluorescence stability; stability of flow - 流動穩定性

foam stability test - 泡沫穩定試驗

n. stability after mixing - 混合後的穩定性

n. stability after mixing - 混合穩定性

stability of solution - 溶液穩定性

stability constant - 穩定常數

stability test; n. stability test - 穩定試驗

n. stability constant of complex - 絡合物的穩定常數

absolute stability constant - 絕對穩定常數

serum colloidal stability test - 血清膠體穩定性試驗

serum heat stability test - 血清耐熱試驗

n. stability constant of complex - 配位體化合物的穩定常數


n.絕對穩定常數 - absolute stability constant

n.大氣穩定度 - atmospheric stability

n.化學穩定性 - chemical stability

n.燃燒安全性 - combustion stability

n.條件穩定常數 - conditional stability constant

托牙穩固性,義齒穩固性 - denture stability

n.穩定程度 - degree of stability

尺度穩定性 - dimensional stability

藥物穩定性 - drug stability

n.動力穩定性 - dynamic stability

n.電穩定性 - electrical stability

n.乳劑穩定性 - emulsion stability

n.流動穩定性 - fluorescence stability

n.火焰穩定度 - flame stability

n.泡沫穩定試驗 - foam stability test

n.高溫穩定性 - high temperature stability

n.層流火焰穩定性 - laminar flame stability

n.穩定係數 - margin of stability

n.物理穩定性 - physical stability

n.似穩態,准穩性 - quasi stability

n.相對穩定性 - relative stability

n.血清膠體穩定性試驗 - serum colloidal stability test

n.血清耐熱試驗 - serum heat stability test

懸浮穩定性,懸浮液穩定性 - suspension stability

n.熱穩定性 - thermal stability

n.熱力學穩定性 - thermodynamic stability

n.前庭脊柱穩定試驗 - vestibulospinal stability test

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