decimatedvt. 摧毀;大幅度下降(decimate的過去式及過去分詞)
decimated 被消滅的;大幅度下降,大批殺死;大幅度下降;with the family broken up and decimated 家破人亡;And we will send you reeling from decimated dreams 我們將讓你從殺戮的夢中解脫出來;你到了一個被毀滅夢境纏繞的世界;A woman sends you reeling from decimated dreams 一個女人把你推下該走的道路;a scene of desolation after a plague or war when the population is decimated or fleed 十室九空;
1.The decimated image includes a common-characteristic value that corresponds to a multi-pixel cell of the input image. 抽樣圖像包括一個公共特性值,這個值對應於輸入圖像的多像素單元。
2.In the savage fighting, Germany itself was laid waste, the towns and countryside were devastated and ravished, the people decimated. 在這次野蠻的戰爭中,德國全境一片荒蕪,城鄉處處殘垣斷壁,慘遭蹂躪,生靈塗炭,十室九空。
3.The Revolution came; events succeeded each other with precipitation; the parliamentary families, decimated, pursued, hunted down, were dispersed. 革命爆發了,事變疊出,司法界貴族家庭因受到摧毀,驅逐,追捕而東奔西散了。