a. exogenic
a. endogenic ,endogenous
exogenous[ek'sɔdʒənəs]adj. 外生的;外因的;外成的
exogenous 外源;外生的;外源的;外成的;exogenous pyrogen 外源性致熱源;外源性致熱原;外致熱原;外生致熱原;exogenous rhythm 外源節律;外源性節律;exogenous budding 外生出芽;外出芽;外生芽;exogenous solidification 外因凝固;
1.Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous. 老年疾病通常都不是起於外因的。
2.Exogenous nitrogen had a slight positive effect on protein level and these enzyme activities. 外源氮的加人對蛋白質水平和酶的活性具有小的正面影響。
3.Recommendations focus on resource reserves and production with endogenous and exogenous growth potential of the coal stocks. 建議重點關注在資源儲量和產量方面具備內生和外生增長潛力的煤炭股。
affection by cold; attack of cold; exogenous febrile disease or affection by cold; typhia; typhoid; typhoid fever - 傷寒
specialty of exogenous febrile disease - 傷寒科
the six exogenous factors - 六淫
simple exogenous gastritis - 單純外原性胃炎
exogenous infection; heteroinfection - 外原性傳染
exogenous tuberculosis - 外原性變態反應性肺皰炎
exogenous antigen - 外原性抗原
exogenous psychosis - 外原性精神病
exogenous tuberculosis - 外原性結核
exogenous dna - 外原性脫氧核糖核酸
exogenous pyrogen - 外原性致熱原
dxfaneous pigment; exogenous pigment - 外原性色素
an external cause; exogenous pathogenic factor; exopathic factor; exopatjic cause - 外因
exogenous affection of pathogenic dpam-heat - 外感濕熱之邪
exogenous zeitgeber - 外源同步因素
exogenous allergen - 外源性變應原
exogenous cycle - 外生環
exogenous pathogenic factors; exopathogen; external noxious factors - 外邪
exogenous pathogenic factors - 客邪
apoplectoid syndrome; apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil - 類中風
n.類中風 - apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil
n.單純外原性胃炎 - simple exogenous gastritis
n.傷寒科 - specialty of exogenous febrile disease
n.六淫 - the six exogenous factors