star-studded['stɑ:stʌdid]adj. 星羅棋布的
star-studded 星羅棋布的;明星薈萃的;眾星雲集;a star-studded sky 繁星點點的天空;star-studded pop concert 眾星雲集的流行音樂會;a star-studded football team 球星雲集的足球隊;The Hollyood al of Fame's star-studded sdeals 名人步道;
1.THE logo for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics was unveiled today at a star-studded ceremony in London. 今天倫敦在一個群星彙集的典禮上公佈了2012年奧運會和殘奧會會徽。
2.The royal brothers, now 24 and 22, announced that a star-studded pop concert and a memorial service will be held in her memory next year. 現年分別24和22歲的王室成員兄弟,正式宣佈將在明年其母親紀念日舉行群星雲集的音樂會和紀念儀式。
3.Drogba said: " I am happy the club kept their word, including the manager. We can have a star-studded team and still give talent respect. 德羅巴說:「我非常興奮俱樂部包括治理層這麼說,我們擁有一個天才的,而且仍舊尊敬我們天才們的才能。」