v. becalm ,calm down ,cool it ,sedaten. calmness ,composure ,equanimitya. easygoing ,placid ,serene ,tranquil
v. commove ,energise ,energize ,exciten. discomposurea. stormy
calm[kɑ:m, kɑ:lm]adj. 靜的,平靜的;沉著的vt. 使平靜;使鎮定vi. 平靜下來;鎮定下來n. 風平浪靜
calm 使平靜,使鎮定;風平浪靜;另一種平靜;平靜;dead calm 風平浪靜;航越地平線;完全無風;平靜;calm down 平靜下來;鎮定下來;平靜;平息;calm sea 靜海;無浪;平穩的海洋;平靜的海面圖片;keep calm 保持鎮靜(別慌);保持冷靜;保持鎮靜(別慌);保持鎮靜;
1.She has to take sedatives to calm her nerves. 她必須服鎮靜劑來使她的神經鎮定。
2.One picture was of a calm lake. 一幅畫上是一個平靜的湖面。
3.But in storm, or breeze, or calm. 但不管是暴風、微風,還是無風。
OK, OK- just try to calm down, sir. - 好,好,請冷靜下來,先生。
Let's just all calm down, - 讓我們全都冷靜下來,
Keep smiling! things will calm down. - 樂觀一點,事情會平息下來的。
She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. - 她有處變不驚的本事。
In a calm sea, every man is a pilot. - 平靜的海上易駛船。
How do I control myself? I can't calm down. - 我怎能控制我自己?我無法冷靜下來。
After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. - 讀完一篇題為《吸煙與健康》的文章之後,我點上了一枝香煙,來鎮定一下自己緊張的神經。
a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. - 一位空中乘務員告訴我們要保持鎮靜,待飛機一著陸,就馬上不聲不響地離開飛機。
calm the mind - 寧心
arresting convulsion; to calm the frightened - 定驚
nourish yin to calm the wind; nourishing yin to calm the wind - 滋陰熄風
calming the endopathic wind; stop wind; to calm the wind - 熄風
calm pulse - 脈靜
n.滋陰熄風 - nourish yin to calm the wind
n.滋陰熄風 - nourishing yin to calm the wind
n.定驚 - to calm the frightened
n.熄風 - to calm the wind