





n. fatigue duty ,tiredness ,wearinessv. fag ,fag out ,jade ,pall


v. freshen ,refresh ,refreshen


fatigue[fə'ti:ɡ]n. 疲勞,疲乏;雜役vt. 使疲勞;使心智衰弱vi. 疲勞adj. 疲勞的


fatigue 疲勞;疲乏;疲勞、軟化;疲憊;Bending fatigue 彎曲疲勞;彎曲疲憊;撓曲疲勞;contact fatigue 接觸疲勞;接觸疲憊;Fatigue breakage 疲勞破裂;疲憊破裂;fatigue curve 疲勞曲線;疲憊曲線;疲勞曲線=>疲勞;疲乏曲線;


1.Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scout troop. 登山使整個偵察連感到疲勞。

2.Fatigue is the best pillow. 疲勞是最好的枕頭。

3.That monitoring the fatigue expenditure of turbine rotor can improve security and flexibility of the unit. 實時監測汽輪機轉子疲勞損耗,能提高機組運行的安全性和機動性。


n. low cycle fatigue data - 低循環次數疲勞數據

n. fatigue at cryogenic temperature - 低溫疲勞

n. fatigue at cryogenic temperature - 冰凍溫度下疲勞

n. fatigue notch factor - 切口應力集中係數

n. fatigue notch factor - 切口疲勞因數

n. fatigue notch sensitivity - 切口疲勞感受

n. fatigue notch sensitivity factor - 切口疲勞敏感係數

n. fatigue notch sensitivity - 切口疲勞靈敏度

n. fatigue notch sensitivity factor - 切口疲勞靈敏度係數

n. fatigue at elevated temperature - 升溫疲勞

n. fatigue under variable loading - 變動載荷下的疲勞

n. fatigue under variable loading - 變荷載疲勞

n. rotating bending fatigue test - 回轉彎曲疲勞試驗

n. torsional fatigue test - 扭轉疲勞試驗

n. rotating bending fatigue test - 旋轉彎曲疲勞

n. fatigue rupture of die - 模具的疲勞破斷

n. fatigue rupture of die - 模的疲勞破壞

n. rolling contact fatigue life - 滾動接觸疲勞壽命

n. rolling contact fatigue life - 滾動疲勞壽命

fatigue products - 疲勞產物

n. fatigue life distribution - 疲勞週期干擾

n. fatigue life gage - 疲勞壽命儀

n. fatigue life gage - 疲勞壽命計

n. fatigue disturbance - 疲勞干擾

fatigue meter - 疲勞度測定儀

fatigue spasm; movement spasms - 疲勞性痙攣

n. fatigue threshold - 疲勞折疊

n. fatigue fracture toughness - 疲勞斷裂韌性

n. fatigue fracture surface - 疲勞斷面

fatigue curve - 疲勞曲線

n. fatigue limit diagram - 疲勞極限圖

fatigue test - 疲勞檢查

fatigue toxin; kenotoxin; kinotoxin - 疲勞毒素

fatigue state - 疲勞狀態

n. fatigue behavior - 疲勞行為

n. fatigue crack propagation - 疲勞裂紋傳播

n. fatigue crack propagation - 疲勞裂紋擴展

n. propagation behavior of fatigue crack - 疲勞裂紋的擴展行為

n. fatigue crack closure - 疲勞裂紋終止

fatigue test - 疲勞試驗

n. fatigue softening - 疲勞軟化

fatigue fracture - 疲勞骨折

n. fatigue crack - 疲勞龜裂

n. corrosion fatigue characterization - 腐蝕疲勞參數

n. corrosion fatigue crack - 腐蝕疲勞斷裂

n. corrosion fatigue crack growth - 腐蝕疲勞裂成長

n. creep fatigue interaction - 蠕變疲勞互作用

n. creep fatigue interaction - 蠕變疲勞相互作用

n. fatigue at elevated temperature - 高溫疲勞

n. high temperature fatigue crack growth - 高溫疲勞開裂生長率


n.蓄積疲勞 - accumulated fatigue

n.聽覺疲勞 - auditory fatigue

n.慢性疲勞 - chronic fatigue

慢性疲勞綜合症 - chronic fatigue syndrome

教室奮鬥疲勞困憊症 - classroom combat fatigue

同情疲勞 - compassion fatigue

n.疲勞保護反應 - defence reaction of fatigue

n.動力性疲勞 - dynamic fatigue

眼疲勞 - eye fatigue

倦怠感 - feeling of fatigue

n.飛行員疲勞 - flyers fatigue

n.飛行疲勞 - flying fatigue

n.疲勞指數 - index of fatigue

工業疲勞 - industrial fatigue

咬肌疲勞 - masseter fatigue

肌肉疲勞 - muscle fatigue

n.嗅疲勞 - olfactory fatigue

n.病理性疲勞 - pathological fatigue

n.末梢性肌疲勞 - peripheral muscular fatigue

n.身體疲勞 - physical fatigue

n.飛行員疲勞 - pilot fatigue

n.疲勞保護反應 - protective reaction of fatigue

n.疲勞部位 - seat of fatigue

n.疲勞感覺閾 - sensitivity threshold of fatigue

n.運動疲勞 - sports fatigue

n.靜立疲勞,姿勢疲勞 - stance fatigue

刺激疲勞 - stimulation fatigue

n.可耐受疲勞 - surmountable fatigue

n.汗腺疲勞 - sweat gland fatigue

n.傳遞性疲勞 - transmission fatigue

n.視覺疲勞 - visual fatigue

n.全身疲勞 - whole body fatigue


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