





n. dissonance ,disturbance ,haphazardness ,racketv. make noise ,resound


noise[nɔiz]n. 噪音;響聲;雜音vt. 謠傳vi. 發出聲音;大聲議論


noise 噪音,嘈雜聲;噪聲;噪音;噪點;Noise pollution 噪聲污染;Aircraft noise 飛機噪音;航空器噪音;航空器噪聲;飛機噪聲;noise control 噪聲控制;噪音管制;噪音控制;噪聲控劑;Noise Pop 噪音流行;噪音流行);


1.The scandal about the President is quickly being noised abroad. 有關總統的醜聞正迅速傳播開來。

2.Not just make the noise. 而不只僅是製造噪音。

3.Noise poses a great threat to our living. 噪音對我們的生活造成一大威脅。


The sudden noise scared the dog away. - 突然突然的噪音把狗嚇跑了。

That noise is driving me crazy. - 那噪聲吵昨我要發狂。

Do you think you could keep the noise down? - 你看能不能小聲一些?

Son! Don't make suck a noise when you eat. - 兒子,吃飯的時候不可以發出聲音。

George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly. - 喬治聽到了響聲,迅速地下了樓。

He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. - 他告訴我有天夜裡他怎麼也睡不著,因為他聽到酒吧裡傳來一陣奇怪的響聲。

Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water. - 沒過多久,噪音便徹底消失,快艇開始在水面上慢悠悠地漂流。

The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged. - 由於這個聲音非常輕,沒人會想到船身已遭損壞。

A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. - 最近一個有關噪音的作用的調查(令人吃驚地)指出,夜間連續不斷的狗叫聲,在一個從1級至7級刻度表上應列為最嚴重的噪間污染。

The survey revealed a large number of sources of noise that we really dislike. - 這個調查顯示出很大數目我們不喜歡的噪音源:

The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise. - 這個有關噪音的污染調查還揭示了一種出人意外而同時可能會引人意外而同時可能會引人發笑的老式噪音源。

torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. - 街道上充斥著汽油味和有毒氣體,出租汽車、卡車、公共汽車的噪音刺耳難忍,絡繹不絕的人群擠來擠去。

they are not prepared even to admit the possibility that noise affects people. - 甚至不願承認噪音可能對人有影響。

On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society. - 另一方面,那些討厭噪音的人有時會用不充分的證據來支持他們希望有一個較為安靜的社會環境的要求。

This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause.and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science. - 要求減少噪音確實是件好事,但是如果與拙劣的科學摻雜在一起的話,就不會被人們所信任,這是很遺憾的。

One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness. - 常見的一種指責是,噪音能引起精神病。

Was the noise a cause of the illness, or were the complaints about noise merely a symptom? - 是噪音引起了(精神)病呢,還是(精神)病的症狀之一是對噪音的抱怨?

What is needed in the case of noise is a study of large numbers of people living under noisy conditions, - 對於噪音問題,需要對大量生活在噪音中的人進行研究,

if there is any effect of noise upon mental health it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. - 如果噪音對精神健康有影響的話,那也一定是微乎其微,以致現代的精神病診斷方法還發現不了。

but it does mean that noise is less dangerous than, say, - 但它確實說明,噪音的危險性--比如說--

But every night he heard the noise upstairs. - 但每天晚上他都聽到樓上的聲音。

It happens every night. The noise wakes me up. Would you please not do this? - 每晚都這樣。這聲音總吵醒我!請你別這樣,好嗎?


signal noise ratio - 信號嗓音比

signal noise ratio; signal-to-noise ratio; n. signal-to-noise ratio - 信噪比

sonic noise analyser - 噪聲分析器

noise hazard; noise nuisance - 噪聲危害

noise applaratus; noise generator - 噪聲發生器

nihd; noise indued heating damage - 噪聲性聽覺損傷

noise deafness - 噪聲性聾

noise suppressor - 噪聲抑製器

noise abatement; noise reduction noise control - 噪聲控制

noise criterion - 噪聲標準

noise pollution - 噪聲污染

noise killer - 噪聲消除器

noise sources - 噪聲源

noise factor; noise figyre - 噪聲係數

audio noise meter - 噪聲計

noise limiter - 噪聲限製器

noise precaytion; noise prevention - 噪聲預防

noise level - 噪度級

noise effect - 噪音影響

noise level - 噪音水平

noise control regulations - 噪音管理條例

n. noise attenuatiny property - 噪音衰減特性

acceptable noise level - 容許噪音標準

overall noise level - 總噪聲電平

perceived noise level - 感覺噪聲級

maximum noise area - 最大噪音區

effective perceived noise level - 有效感覺噪聲級

fluctuation noise level - 波動噪聲電平

muffler; noise silencer - 消聲器

noise elimination - 消除噪聲

muffler; noise silencer - 消音器

equivalent continnous perceived noise level - 等效連續感覺噪聲級

network noise characcteristics - 網絡噪聲特性

noise isolation - 隔聲音


n.容許噪音標準 - acceptable noise level

n.空傳噪聲 - air-borne noise

n.氣噪聲 - air flow noise

n.航空器噪聲 - aircraft noise

n.環境噪聲 - ambient noise

n.噪聲計 - audio noise meter

n.本底噪聲 - background noise

頻帶噪聲 - band noise

n.基線噪聲 - baseline noise

n.連續性噪聲 - continuous noise

n.電流噪聲 - current noise

n.檢測器噪聲 - detector noise

n.間斷性噪聲 - discontinuous noise

n.有效感覺噪聲級 - effective perceived noise level

n.等效連續感覺噪聲級 - equivalent continnous perceived noise level

n.波動噪聲電平 - fluctuation noise level

n.噪聲頻程 - frepuency division of noise

n.磨擦噪聲,摩擦噪聲 - frictional noise

背景噪聲 - ground noise

n.衝擊噪聲 - impact noise

n.工業噪聲,生產性噪聲 - industrial noise

n.噪聲隔絕 - isolation of noise

n.最大噪音區 - maximum noise area

n.網絡噪聲特性 - network noise characcteristics

n.噪聲控制 - noise reduction noise control

n.總噪聲電平 - overall noise level

n.聽到的雜音 - perceived noise

n.感覺噪聲級 - perceived noise level

n.光子噪聲 - photon noise

n.脈衝性噪聲 - pulse noise

量子雜音 - quantum noise

隨機噪音,雜亂噪音 - random noise

n.爆音 - shock-wave noise

散粒噪聲,散彈噪聲 - shot noise

n.信號嗓音比,信噪比 - signal noise ratio

n.航天噪音 - space noise

n.噪聲分析器 - sonic noise analyser

n.街道噪音 - street noise

n.熱噪音 - thermal noise

n.交通噪聲 - traffic noise

雜音,噪音 - undesired noise

n.噪聲單位 - unit of noise

n.白嗓音 - white noise


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