Hebraicadj. 希伯來語的;希伯來人的;希伯來文化的
Hebraic 希伯來文化的;希伯來人的;希伯來人;Hebraic Legacies 希伯來遺產;Hebraic law 希伯來律法;hebraic granite 文像花崗岩;文像花岡巖;Hebraic Hebrew 希伯來語的;
1.We have recently entered the Hebraic Year 576
5. This is the fourth year in a seven year war season that began in September 2001. This is the year that many issues will come FULL CIRCLE! 我們在最近進入希伯來年5765年(今年九月),這是從2001年九月開始的七年爭戰季節的第四年,這是一個許多事件將 回到原點 的一年!
2.More then that, in Hebraic culture, each alphabet carries a meaning and we shall see now the psalmist expresses his love for the Word of God through the meaning of each Hebrew alphabet. 不但如此,在希伯來的文化中,每個字母也是帶著意思的,而我們會看到詩人是如何藉著每個字母的意思來表達他對神話語的愛慕。
3.Hebraic and Hellenism is the genesis of west culture. Opposability and tensility between Grecian philosophy principle and Christianism notion is the causation of great achievement of west culture. 「兩希文化」構成西方文化的源淵,希臘哲學原則和基督教觀念這兩種對立思想和張力,正是西方文化偉大成就的動因。