undies['ʌndiz]n. [口](婦女或小孩的)內衣
undies 婦女內衣;內衣;(婦女或小孩的)內衣褲;我使用的硬件;style lingerie undies 婦女內衣;
1.And to find out how, we need look no further than the aforementioned Internet marketer in his undies. 而如果要找出如何能做到這一點的方法,我們只需看看前面提到的那位內褲男就知道了。
2.It remains to be seen whether theyll take a cue from Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch and stash their undies in the icebox. 不知道他們會不會從瑪麗蓮·夢露的電影《七年之癢》裡找到靈感,把內衣褲裝在冰盒裡,好隨時給自己降降溫;
3.Many men don't ever even reach the point of fully dressing but feel the same relaxed feeling by just wearing women's "undies" under their suits. 事實上,絕大多數變裝者都是一個月變裝一次,或每六個月變裝一次。