Yokosuka 橫須賀;橫須賀市;橫須賀(日本);JPYKA YOKOSUKA 橫須賀 JP;Mariko Yokosuka 橫須賀真理子;Yokosuka Line 橫須賀線;Fleet Activities Yokosuka 橫須賀海軍設施;
1.From Tokyo to Yokosuka, the tram as long as 70 minutes. 從東京市中心到橫須賀,乘電車只要70分鐘。
2.But in Yokosuka, just found the original circle enclosed by barbed wire. 但是到了橫須賀,才發現原來只是圍了一圈鐵絲網。
3.The Seventh Fleet, which has its home port in Yokosuka, spends roughly six months at sea. 以橫須賀為母港的第七艦隊每年大約有6個月時間是在出海遠航。
4.Sailors line the flight deck of the USS George Washington as it prepares to depart to its new station in Yokosuka, Japan. 華盛頓號航空母艦上的船員們在甲板站成一排,準備前往位於日本的橫須賀港。
5.but the norm was two on the line with a third "ready" carrier at Yokosuka able to respond to the Sea of Japan at short notice. 但是通常情況下,兩艘航母部署在前線,第三艘航母在橫須賀待命,以應對日本海的突發情況。