arduouslyadv. 嚴酷地;費力地
arduously 費力地;艱辛地;費力地, 嚴酷地;艱巨;arduously painfully 費力地;
1.But now, he turned against the stream in which he had drifted so short a while before, and began swimming arduously back against the current. 可是如今,他轉過頭來在抵制那股他不久以前還混在裡面的潮流了。並且開始在奮力拚博,逆流而上。
2.Yu Guangzhong, a Taiwan poet, is engaged arduously in practicing poetry, prose, comment and translation, which he terms as his four-dimensional literary and artistic creation. 台灣詩人餘光中一生事詩歌、散文、評論、翻譯,且稱其為自己寫作「四度空間」。
3.Everything here leaves me intact, I surrender nothing of myself, and don no mask: learning patiently and arduously how to live is enough for me. well worth all their arts of living. 這裡的所有東西都讓我保持著自身的完整,我不會有一絲退讓,也不會蒙上假面:耐心而勤奮地學習如何生活對我來說就已足夠,那些所謂的生活藝術沒有什麼用。