kickboxing['kik,bɔksiŋ]n. [體]跆拳道
kickboxing 跆拳道;運動:;Kickboxing Workout 拳擊踢腿健身操;Cardio kickboxing 心率監測儀;Fitness Kickboxing 紅葉健身雙人搏擊;kickboxing pad 跆拳道墊;
1.Before a kickboxing Bout, all trainers and fighters must be present at Both the official weigh-ins and the pre-fight meeting. 在自由搏擊比賽前,參賽選手和教練都要出席官方稱體重儀式和賽前碰頭會。
2.So she decided to get in shape while learning Thailand's notorious national sport, Muay Thai, known in English as kickboxing. 因此,為了保持身材健美,她決定去學泰國令人聞之色變的國家運動:泰國拳。
3.After having gained the admiration of European and Australian kickboxing fans, it was time for Zambidis to show his stuff in Japan. 他於歐洲及澳洲擂台界中受盡讚賞後,那時候是他要在日本證明自己實力的時候了。